Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Autumn Buttke's Book Blog: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I chose this book because a lot of people kept creating this huge hype around me about how great they said this book was. I finally got tired of not knowing what all the hype was about, and once I found out that we were required to read a few books for my english class, I decided I'd read Twilight and free my wondering mind. Also I had heard Twilight was about vampires, and vampires to me, sounded like a rather interesting subject for a book.
Twilight is indeed about vampires, but there is more to that once you read further into the book. Bella, a mortal, has just moved in with her dad in Forks Washington and starts to go to a new high school. During school someone catches Bella's eye, and that someone is named Edward Cullen, whom is a vampire. At first Edward stays far away from Bella, but after some time they start to socialize. Edward and Bella soon fall in love, and Bella finds out some big secrets about Edward and his family. Apparently Edward has a thirst for Bella's blood, but loves her too much to take her life and be without her forever. One day Edward has Bella over at his house, and some other "different" vampires creep into the area, one of whom becomes very lethal to Bella. Edward and his family try to protect Bella from this vicious vampire, she ends up with a few injuries toward the end of it all, but is still alive. Bella gains knowledge of how to become a vampire and she begs Edward to help her transform, but he will not do it for her. The story is left at a cliff hanger from that point on, so I must read Twilgiht's sequal New Moon to find out what happens next.
The title of the book Twilight only apears about two times throught the book, and I don't think that it has to do with anything inparticular toward the story. I think that the author had some reasoning for the name, as in maybe something significant takes place at twilight (a part of the day, such as evening, night, afternoon etc.) but it is not clearly stated in the book.
If I could ask the author three questions they would be: 1.) Why doesn't Edward want Bella to become a vampire? 2.) Will the other "bad" vampire come back? 3.) What will happen if Bella is turned into a vampire? [These questions might be answered in the sequal]