The book FableHaven is a Fantasy book. i chose this book initially because i really like Fantasy books, and this also looked like it might be a little like the Spiderwick Chronicles, and i liked those so why wouldnt i like this book.
This book is about Seth and Kendra having to stay with their hermit grandparents, while there parents go on a cruise. Later on they realize that their grandparents arent hermits they actually own a reservation for mythical creatures, they have fairies, trolls, goblins, nymphs, and many more. one more thing they both have alot of very eveil creatures on the reservation and Seth figures this out one day walking around the forest when his grandpa said not to, and he finds this shack with this witch named Muriel, and she is trapped in this shacks by ropes. the main evil creature in the book is Bahumat a demon that gets defeated in one page at the end of the book. you will have to read the book to hear rest.
I really like this title because its different and it doesnt really give away the book, like some titles do. The questions i would ask the other would be where did you get this idea? Are you making a sequel? and where did you get the idead of a giant cow?