Thursday, January 15, 2009
Friday Night Lights
Hoot- Carl Hiaasen

The book Hoot is a non fiction book. I chose this book because I heard that this book was good book about Miami, Florida and the Everglades. I really did like this book. It really caught me in the begining with its misterious parts and it kinda left you hanging at first but later on the book explained everything. I kinda like books that do that, especially this one.
This book is about a three group of kids who try and save Burow Owls from the building of Mother Paulas Pancake House. It starts out with the new kid (Roy) moving from the high mountains of Montana, who spots a kid running barefoot (Mullet Finger), which seemed like he was running from something or toward something. Roy really needed to find out why he was running. Roy runs into a blonde girl named Betreise who tells Roy to stay away from the running boy.
Eventually, Roy figures out why he was running. Later on in the story Mullet Fingers, Roy, and Betriese notice that there are owls at the construction site of Mother Paulas. Roy and the gang try and do anything they can to stop the building of Mother Paulas from spray painting the patrol car black, putting aligators in the Porta Potties, stealing the seats off the bullzdozer and much much more. In the end the three of them stop the building of Mother Paulas and turns the construction site into a zoo for the owls.
The title of the book really matches the story. The book is about owls so the name should most certainly be.
If i had to ask the author three questions they would have to be...
1. Why did you pick the act of saving owls when you could've chosen agriculture of another animal from Miami?
2. What made you think of the story line for this book?
3. Did you grow up in Miami, that made you think of putting the setting in Miami, Florida?
Loveless 8 By Hannah Sanders
I’m doing my blog and playlist on the 8th book in the Loveless series and in this book Ritsuka and Soubi are at the Seven Voices Academy having a word battle against Seimei’s fighter unit. In book 7 you find out that Seimei is actually alive and in the beginning of the 8th he says what he did, murdered another person to take his place so everyone thought he was dead. Then the two brothers met like fate, they talked and Seimei questioned Ritsuka’s love and Ritsuka questioned Seimei’s well being. Seimei made an escape and used Soubi to do so, Soubi betrayed Ritsuka in the end for letting Seimei escape but Ritsuka forgave him. Then that new years eve they walked under the stars and talked about udon noodles.
Every fighter unit has one sacrifice; they are destined to be together for life. They fight side by side, sacrifice taking the attack from the opposing side and the fighter units to battle in a fight of spells. They fight until the sacrifice is completely bound and can’t move from so much pain. Then they go about their separate lives.
3 Questions
1. How long did it take you to figure out the story of Loveless?
I'm curious because some manga writers it takes years just figuring out the story then another year or so figuring out the names and what each character looks like and their personality traits.
2. How long does it usually take you to complete one manga?
I've noticed that this author takes about 3-8 months creating one manga. But I want to know exactly.
3. Do you enjoy your job?
I want to become a manga artist and story writer some day. I enjoy drawing manga very much and am working on two stories of my own.
Loveless 8 Soundtrack
Chapter. 9- Where I stood by Missy Higgins- I chose this song because in this chapter, Soubi didn’t know who he was, he was a blank fighter unit. He could be given to anyone just to use for a temporary replacement. “I don’t know who I am, who I am. All I know is that I should” He thought that the world was “black and white” either a fighter unit or a sacrifice not a blank fighter. He thought he was unloved like he didn’t belong to anyone.
Chapter. 10 Your love is a lie By Simple Plan- Soubi felt like no one loved him, truth is that no one did. Not his sensei or his sacrifice Seimei. But he doesn’t find that out until he talked to Seimei, “your love is just a lie” he realized that his sensei gave him away, his love was a lie.
Chapter 11 scars by papa roach- Ritsu-sensei got gouged in the eyes by Seimei and let his guard down. A line from the song, “I’m pissed cause you came around Why don’t you just go home cause you can’t hold all your pain and I can’t help you fix yourself” That’s basically what Ritsu was saying but Seimei couldn’t hold his rage so he gouged Ritsu’s eyes.
Chapter 12 Hello by evanescence- Ritsuka saw the words on the wall in blood saying, “Ritsuka I’m back” which made him think his brother might be alive. A line from the song, “soon I’ll wake from this dream” He couldn’t believe it would be Seimei but he couldn’t deny it. Another line, “hello I’m the lie living for you so you can hide” His brother lied to him, he was suppose to be dead but he was still living.
Chapter 13 it’s the fear by within temptation- “It’s the fear, fear of the dark that’s growing inside of me…” Yoji and Natsuo were feeling, “cold” from Seimei’s presence and describe him as “too dark”. “There is no escaping because my fate is part of doom” Yoji and Natsuo were feeling “It’s as if his presence is erasing my presence!” They feel as if Seimei’s presence is going to make them feel horrible, cold, pressured, forced.
Chapter 14 be my escape by Relient K. – “And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity” Ritsuka’s been questioning if Seimei was really dead or alive. He was insecure and doubting his brother. “And all I was trying to do was save my own skin but so were you” Seimei made everyone believe he was dead because we was to be murdered himself. And Ritsuka switched personalities from the trauma.
Chapter 15 Disturbia by Rihanna- “A disease of the mind It can control you It’s too close for comfort” Seimei controls people with words he commands. Ritsuka is being sucked in and Soubi can’t save him. Because of Seimei’s control over everyone. “Ain’t gonna play nice Watch out, you might just go under Better think twice Your train of thought will be altered” Ritsuka is consumed with emotions over Seimei, and Seimei is taking advantage of him. He is making Ritsuka say whether he loves him for who he is and not what he’s done. Ritsuka faltered and Seimei twisted his little brother’s words around.
Chapter 16 reclusion by amberlin- “You’re sick, sick as all the Secrets that you deny” Seimei is lying to Ritsuka. “You’re suffocating me, so very hard to breathe” Seimei tells Ritsuka his definition of love and is telling him that if Ritsuka doesn’t love him, he’ll leave forever. Seimei is, “Sick”.
Chapter 17 the runaways by amberlin- When Ritsuka gave Seimei his answer about his opinion of love “You only stand to break my heart, I can tell it by the way you runaway.” So Seimei turned mean because Ritsuka said he was angry at him.
Chapter 18 leave out all the rest by Linkin Park- “You were so scared but no one would listen cause no one else cared” Soubi was torn between two people. Ritsuka and Seimei and didn’t know whom to be loyal to. “I woke with this fear what am I leaving when I’m done here.” Soubi has to think of what he did and if it’s really what he wanted and to leave in the memories of his past and present. “I’m strong on the surface not all the way through I’ve never been perfect” Soubi caved when Seimei ordered him to break down the window, but he didn’t want to do it. He betrayed Ritsuka, he would never mean to but he couldn’t help it.
Chapter 19 can’t stop falling in love with you by A*Teens- “I just can’t help falling in love with you” Yuiko and Shinomi-sensei can’t help falling in love and worrying about Ritsuka (Yuiko) and Soubi (Shinomi). They think about those boys’ day in and day out.
Chapter 20 stand by rascal flats- “Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you’re made of you might bend, till you break cause it’s all you can take” In the end Soubi and Ritsuka are there for each other no matter what looking at the stars in the middle of the night on new years eve. They’ve been tested but know no boundaries of their friendship they have with each other.
The hobbit by Dominic Lee songs
1. Killer Queen by queen
I chose Killer queen because it's about a killer queen and in "The Hobbit" there is a giant killer queen spider.
2. Knights of Cydonia by MUSE
In "The Hobbit" there are knights who go to war and team up with there riveals and in the song the same thing happens.
3. Empty walls by Serj Tankian
In this song it he sings about about death and people and villages being burned. And that is what the dragon SMOG did in "The Hobbit"
4.Chop Suey! by System of a Down
This song is about giving up turning back on life and just ending it all before you go on any farther. And that is the way Bilbo felt through out most of his journy.
5. The Funeral by The Band of Horses
This song is about a funeral for a close freind that had died. And this happened to the one of the dwarfs that had died during the great battle.
6. I could have lied By RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS
This song is about a man who could have lied to get out of something he had done. And thats what Bilbo should have done and wanted to do after he had already agreed to going on the quest as a thief.
The Hobbit by Dominic Lee

This is a Fiction book, which is one of the reasons I chose it. But also I enjoyed the other book in the series. Also it has a great story line and the author, J.R.R. Tolkin.
Okay in "The Hobbit" there is well, a hobbit named Bilbo. A hobbit is a smallish type person who are are rather quite folk who mind there own business, but are rather sneaky. In there town of the shire. But one day a Wizard, named Gondola, comes to Bilbo. He asks for his services as a thief, and to go on a quest with him and many dwarfs to get gold from a dragon. But on there journey to the dragons lair they encounter Giant spiders, gargantuan trolls, massive giants, goblins, evil wood elves,huge wolves, gigantic eagles, and one forouchis dragon. But they battle for years for the gold against many others. And in the end, well I can't tell you that.
The significance of the title of the book I chose, Well the title is about the main character they saves every one numerous times, but gets into his fare share of trouble.
If I could ask the author three questions.
1. Where did you come up the idea to write this book.
2. How did you first here about a hobbit.
3. How did you come up with all the different characters.
Author: Gary Paulsen
Genre: Young adult novel, Adventure story.
Book Report by: Krysta Purviance
I chose to read the book Hatchet because, some of my friends told me that it was a good book and that i might like to read it. I also think I chose to read Hatchet because it was a survival story and I like to read stories about people that have to rely on what they have on their backs.
Hatchet is a book about a thirteen-year-old boy who's name is Brian Robeson. He discovered his parents are getting a divorce and that his mom is having an affair with another man. Brian's mom sent him to Canada to be with his father for the summer. Before he leaves his mom gives Brian a hatchet to use in the Canadian forests. As Brian was on his way to Canada his pilot let him fly the plane. As Brian is flying the plane the pilot starts to have a heart attack and dies. Which Brian is then forced to land the plane. The plane crashes in to a lake. Brian survived the crash and was the only passenger of the plane. Brian is now stuck in the woods by himself. He uses the hatchet his mother gave him to make a fire, cut wood, and to build a shelter. He has several challenges and then remembers seeing a emergency kit on the plane and decides to attempt and get it. What he find inside leads him to his rescue.
The significance of the title Hatchet is that his mom gave him a hatchet to help him work in the Canadian wilderness with his father. Little did his mom know that the hatchet she gave to Brian would end up saving his life. Brian taught himself how to use the hatchet to start a fire from the sparks and also use it to build a shelter.
IF I could ask Gary Poulsen three questions I would ask him:
1) What was it that inspired you to wright this book?
2) If you were stuck in Brian's position would you chose the hatchet of the riffle?
3) Why have only one person get stranded and not numerous?
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

The Uglies is a fiction book. It has all kinds of advanced technology such as hoverboards, hovercars, and talking rooms. I was originally interested in this book because of the title and when I read the back of the book it sounded so interesting and made me think of why everyone was separated by the way they looked.
The book Uglies is about a girl named Tally and how she can't wait until September ninth. Not for turning sixteen but for turning pretty. In Tally's world there are two towns; New Pretty Town and Uglyville. Everyone lives in Uglyville until they turn sixteen and get the operation. The operation that changes your life forever and Tally can't wait. She would soon be living in a paradise where it was all fun all the time. But one night while Tally is pulling an ugly prank she meets Shay. Shay is an ugly and all her friends are gone too. But not all of Shay's friends turned pretty. To pass the time Tally and Shay would pull pranks but six nights before their birthday Shay takes one prank too far. That is to run away to the Smoke and never come back and never turn pretty. When Tally says no Shay decides to go without her no matter what. But just in case Tally wants to come later she left her note that only Tally would understand. On the day of the operation instead of being taken to the operation room she is taken to Special Circumstances. Once she reached the room she is told that she can either tell them where Shay and the others are or she can die ugly. Once Tally says she won't tell them where Shay is because she promised Shay not to they take her back to Uglyville where she will live. The next night Tally realizes she also made a promise to Peris, her best friend who is already pretty, that she won't cause any trouble so she can become pretty with him too. So Tally calls the Special Circumstances and gives them the note that Shay gave her.
The Special Circumstances tells Tally that they packed her bags for her and she can leave tonight to find the Smoke. They gave her a pendent necklace to activate when she gets there and then they will know exactly where she is. On Tally's journey she goes through old ruins, falling off a cliff, having all her clothes shredded, and almost being burnt to death. But once she arrives Tally quickly notices that the Smoke is a completely different place that she soon falls in love with along with David. To prove how final her staying is she decided to burn the necklace in doing so she accidentally sets it off. So the next morning everyone is in a scramble fighting their ways out of Special Circumstances hands. When Tally manages to escape she meets up with David who escaped also. Earlier in Tally's arrival she met David's parents who were doctors who did the operation, once they found out that the operation not only changes your appearance but your mind too. It enables the fact to feel any other emotion then happy and bubbly. So Tally and David set out to find his parents and Shay. When they arrive Tally and David come to find David's dad dead and Shay pretty. But they captured the rest and took them all to a secret place called the Rusty Ruins. Once there David's mom finds a cure to get your brain back to the usual self. But Shay being transformed into a pretty wont' do it. So Tally volunteers to turn pretty then they can test it out on her. So in the end, it's Tally and Shay, best friends, one pretty and one ugly.
The significance of the title Uglies is obvious. The whole book is about Tally's journey of wanting to turn pretty. Then learning that it's not what life is all about.
If I could ask Scott Westerfeld three questions about Uglies it would be:
1. What made you think of all the advanced things in this book? Like hoverboards, talking rooms etc.
I would ask this because there were so many things in the book that I couldn't even imagine that he brought to life through the book. So many advanced things that it just makes you wonder if that could ever really happen.
2. How did you ever think to write a book about being ugly and pretty?
I would ask this question because in the book the two are separated so much that it makes you wonder how he feels about being ugly and pretty. And if he feels there really is such a vast difference like it shows in the book.
3. How did you write this book?
I would ask this question finally because the plot Scott Westerfeld used, in my opinion, is very different from the usual kind of story. He builds up to the point then brings in another conflict and another until in the end the girl goes against everything she believed in and becomes pretty. It kept me interested throughout the whole thing.
By: Kierstyn Tuel :]
Stoner and spaz: Kyle Reviea 1-15-08