Friday, November 7, 2008

The Cove by Catherine Coulter

The Genre of this book is Fiction

The reason i chose this book was because of the suspense, thrill and mystery in this book. also because i love the author Catherine Coulter, she is an amazing writer.
The cove is about a women named Sally who has had a successful job and great rich life. Until six months ago when her father put in to a sanitarium. But the night she finally escapes her father is killed in her presence and because she is considered a witness and a suspect she decides to run from the police because she can not remember anything that happened that night it is all fuzzy in her head. She runs to a little town called The Cove in Oregon along way from her home in Washington D.C. While she is in The Cove she meets an FBI agent who is trying to find her and the truth in her about her fathers murder. when two murders occur while they are in town it brings up a lot of questions and unsolved mysteries.
The Cove's title is important to this story because that is were the story takes place most of the time.
if i could ask Catherine Coulter three questions they would be:
1) why did you have Sally fall in love with Quinlan and vise verse?
2) why was her so called father behind all of this?
3)How come Sally could not remember the night of her fathers death until she was in a room full of people that were against her and thought she was crazy?
Chatell Sever-Coomes

Brisingr, by Michael Yater

This book is 3rd in the Inheritance cycle. This series is composed of four books about a young farm boy named Eragon from the town of Carvahall in the land of Alegasia. He is out hunting one night and he finds a stone. This is a very mysterious stone because it literally appeared out of nowhere in front of Eragon. The stone is perfectly smooth and is a bright blue color. After trying to sell the stone, Eragon is in bed and the stone breaks and a dragon comes out of it. It wasn't a stone after all! It was a dragon egg! This changes Eragons life and the lives of everyone in Alegasia forever. From this moment Eragon is thrown into a world that is torn by war and conflict. He makes both friends and enemies. And he and Saphire, thats his dragons name, Are the only hope for Alegasia and its people because they are the only free dragon and dragon rider in Alegasia.

This is a fantasy book full of magic and adverture. Even a little romance.

I choose this book because I had started the series and this book just came out. I had been waiting about a year for Brisingr to come out because the second book ended in a way that left you wondering what will happen next. I love it when books do that. But only if there part of a series, and theres another book after it. I've always loved fantasy and adventure books so this series was an obvies choice. It has everything i love in a book in it. I would definatly suggest this series to anyone that loves fantasy and adventure. Just dont start in the middle of the series!

The name "Brisingr" ,which is the name of the book, is extremly significant to the story. I wont go into to much detail because I dont want to ruin the book but I will say this. "Brisingr" is the word for "fire" in the ancient languege. It is the first spell Eragon cast and it has saved his life numerous times. There is one other thing that I will not mention that is in the third book that is extremly important.

There are alot of questions that need answered but I know that they will all be answered in book four so im not impatiant about asking questions.

The Secret Garden By: Sabrina Fields

The Secret Garden is a fictional book about 3 children written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I choose this book for my book project because I find it very interesting that such a small girl can be so mean and yet be so nice.This book was about Mary Lennox and her cousin Colin Craven. When Mary was 10 years old her parents died from cholera. She then moved to Misselworth Manor to live with her uncle Mr. Craven in England. She played alone in the gardens and eventually stumbled upon the secret garden and later brought her cousin there with her. Her cousin, Colin, was unable to walk, for he had never learned, the doctor had feared that he was to weak to walk. Her cousin was horribly spoiled just like her and when he met her he started to change and grow. She was growing also and learning.The title is significant to me because having a mysterious secret is so fascinating to me because I've never really had such a major secret as like Mary who was taking care of an abandoned garden and brought it back to life.If I could ask the author 3 questions about the book I would ask her: why she didn't elaborate more at the end of the story, how long had Mary been at the manor before she met Colin, and the last question I would ask her would be how she came up with the idea of a secret garden.

Loser by: Jerry Spinelli

1. The genre of this book is non-fiction.
2. I chose this book because I read this book about in 5th grade and Iremember it was a really good book and it was the best book I have ever read. But now as I go on and as i get older, the book is getting more boring and seems more like it's for little kids.
3. A kid named Zink-off is a kid that nobody knows and he is just one of those kids that you just see around every once in a while. He is starting 1st grade this year and he always has a positive attitude and isnt like the rest of the students. Zink-off enjoys to make everything fun in his life and enjoys to be free. But the only problem to that is he gets his mom worried about him because he wonders around and likes to run. One winter night, his differences show that because of being different, you can become a hero, and save the day.
4. I think that the significance of this book title (Loser) is unique because Zink-off is really a smart kid even though he is different and he doesnt have many friends, he is a hero, and saves the day. Even though he is called Loser.

  • Why did you choose to name the book Loser?

  • What is your favorite part of the book?

  • How long did it take you to write this book Loser?

Daniel Mickel

My book is fiction.

Nic pote gave me the book. A bunch of people said the series was good so I read it and it is good.
This is the third book in the series. Its about a girl That falls in love with a vampire. Its based in forks WA. The title dosent have much significance but the first book was twilight, then new moon, the eclipse and then breaking dawn. So they all have to do with a time of day.
Does bell become a vampire.
what happens next?
how did you come up with this story

The Last Apprentice Soul Stealers, Derek Hood

This book is a fictional story. I chose this book just for fun the last time we were in the library. I saw that it was one of the newest book in the library, so i decided to try it. The title also graded my attention. I'm not one it read a book with a person dressed like a devil the cover. The words " The Last Apprentice" caught my eye, and I thought that was a good story line; of a master training an apprentice.

The story takes place in a small town near theme frame of after the Civil War. The main character Tom is an apprentice to a Spook. A spook is a person who takes the job to kill ghost and demons. The two are starting to head out to there winter house to protect to country side the winter.To where they find the main conflict in the story.

The mans name was Morgan, a failed apprentice of the spooks, is looking for revenge. Later in the book he steals Tom and a powerful book which can summon the ancient winter god, Goliath. The spook them saves the bay and kills the god before he can come to life again. Then leaves a cliff hanger for the next book in the three part series, this being the first. If you are one who likes a good fantasy of adventure then this is a book for you.

Arther Q
1. Why did his mother had to go? Near the end of book as the cliff hanger the Arther tells of the mother leaving for her old country to fought a darkness. She doesn't descried what or where the darkness is.

2. what was the boxes full with in Tom's mother's room? When the mother left she gave her room, that was full of all her teasers from her home land, her gave it to Tom. she didn't say what was in the boxes, but she said not to open them Until she left for her country. The book ended before he could go to the house the next day to check so I need to go find the next one!

3. what inspired you to write this book? The Arthur did a great job of describing out the scenery of the country side and of the different places, and people. Also the story line kept me wanting to read more and more until I finished it.
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