Monday, November 10, 2008

Tears Of A Tiger by Sharon Draper/posted by Jasmine Brown

This Book Is Fiction.The reason why I chose this book is because Sharon Draper is a good writer and I can relate to what is going on in this book.

The story is told from a 17-year-old kids point of view. His name is Andy and he is a senior in high school. He is on the basketball team and after a big win against a rival team they go out drinking and driving and get into a crash and his best friend Rob gets killed. The story tells about how everyone takes this tragedy and in the end Andy commits suicide.

The significance of the book tears of a tiger is Andy is supposed to be the tiger and tigers don't cry or show any emotions, but as Andy crashes the car and watches his Best friend die he realizes that some tigers really have feelings and he expressed them by killing himself to hide the pain that he was feeling from his Best friend's death.

The Three questions that i would ask Sharon Draper are:
1. What inspired her to write Tears Of A Tiger?

2. Did she have to go through any of these horrifying experiences and how did she feel?

3. If she did have to go through these horrifying experiences what did she do to over come them?And how did it help her write this book?
Jasmine Brown

Ark Angel by Michael Koceja

Ark Angel is a book in a series about Alex Rider. Ark Angel is a non-fiction book. The author, Anthony Horowitz, wrote these books because he likes to keep people on the edge of their seats when they read his books. One question i have for him is, why did he decide to write about a spy? Another question i have for him is, what gave him to the ideas of this book? The last question i have is, what inspired him to write suspenseful books?

Alex Rider was in the hospital because of a sniper bullet. He nearly got killed. One night when he was in the hospital, a group of eco-terrorists called Force Three, went into the hospital to kidnap the Paul Drevin. Paul Drevin was no ordinary kid. He was the son of a billionaire, Nikolai Drevin. Alex saved Paul but little did he know he was the son of a billionaire. Force Three kidnapped Alex instead of Paul. Alex, not knowing what was going on, had to save his own life from Force Three. The reason Force Three wanted Paul was because his dad was building the first hotel in space, Ark Angel. Force Three said this was endangering the environment. Force Three wasn't going to stop till they destroyed Ark Angel, even if it means killed millions. Alex Rider would have to save them all from disaster.

Among the Free by Nathan

among the free by: Haddix

This science fiction book called among the free by, Margaret Peterson Haddix. I was to be intrigued by this book because it read a title sort of like the other book i read anthem by Ayn rand. the picture on the top of the book reminded me of a show i saw on national geograpics about Hitler and the German Nazis crowd and Hitlers speeches. This is about a kid named Luke who is a third child and at the time you were only allowed to have two kids so he was kicked out to work for the population police. Luke's job at the population police is to tell every one that they have to get new identity cards. When he was telling every body he had to go into there house. When he approached the house he broke the door down and told the old lady then she said "NO" so the commanding officer told him to shoot her. Half way in the middle of his order to shoot her he drops the gun and runs to safety... Among the free show this story by showing the part of the book when he is free with the civilians that revolt agaist the population police showing that a grope is more powerfull then one person alone. A few questions i would ask about the book are, what happend after he teamed up with the rebels and revolted?. Also did this story pertain to the Nazis or Hitlers army in an way? was it supposed to?, and what was the significance of the kid who ran away after Luke?


kyle reviea


this is a book by: Lois Sachar

This is a book about a boy from a poor family with a curse on the men. the main character (Stanley) was walking home when he was hit in the head with a pair of stolen shoes. the police drive by while he is running home with a pair of stolen shoes. He is arrested aqnd taken to court. He has to make a decision to go to Camp Green Lake or go to jail. He chose Camp Green Lake because, he had never been to a camp before. when he gets then it is not exactly what he expected.

Grist by: Heather Waldorf

Adriana Mascareno chose the book "Grist" by Heather Waldorf because the cover cought my eyes, one reason is the features that the girl was showing with her face expressions. Another way of how the cover of the book cought my eyes was the way the background was featured of the sun set and the girl with her half face on the cover. It realy made me wonder what the book was about. And if it is really worth reading, or is the book as good as the cover makes it seem
The summary of the book that I was reading is, a girl named Charlie who is only sixteen which in time she learns to bury her feelings were no one will notice what is going on with her. And during one of the summers where this book takes place she wants to bury her feelings more down in the gutter then she has ever had, and to make things worse her dad has just got a new girlfriend and on top of that problem her best friend, Sam has just moved to Australia and will probably never return and the reason that this summer is so more interesting then the others is because she decides to go to her grandparents lake which is called Lake Ringrose. Which also means that she is going to try to leave her feelings behind her and try to have a fun summer. but the question is will she?
If I could ask the Author three questions and why, one would be did the story have to start out so boring? How long has she been building up these sad feelings? But those are the only things that i could really ask the Aurthor because everything else was perfectly fine and no matter if the book really was that boring in the begging towards the middle of the book it was already getting mine attention.

back in time, Joey Stitzel

This is a Fiction novel. I chose this book because I have always been interested in time travel and adventure books. It caught my eye when it said Thomas Edison and also when it was saying that it was adventure book.

This book is about a young kid ,Qwerty Stevens,who always has trouble with his parents but can never do anything about it. But one day as he was doing his favorite thing,digging holes, he finds a strange box. This looked like nothing he had never seen in his life. He later finds out from his friend Joey that it is a time machine that Thomas Edison had invented a long time ago. As the young boys thought this was a find of there life, it really isn't because they figure out how to work it, and they go a few minutes back in time. But they didn't think that was good enough, so they take a adventure over 100 years ago. And they end up in Thomas Edisons factory where they see how to make all of his great inventions. But what they didnt know was they were going to be in the biggest pickle of there yuong lives. If you read this book it will change the way you look at time travle. The title pretty much tells the story itself, because the book is all about going back in time, and how they get to meet and spend a little time with Thomas Edison. If I could ask three questions for Dan Gutman one would definatly be why he chose the idea of Qwerty digging holes in his back yard? Another one would be why he chose Qwerty as the main character's name? And the last question I would have to ask would be what interested you in making a novel about time travel. I chose these questions because they were the best questions I could think of and I thought it would be really cool to see what the authors answers would be. And if you have never read any of these books you better because I never read books but this book was really cool in my opinion.

Julie Of The Wolves

Intelligence, fearlessness, love. Is the
way most Eskimo talk for life. I love the natural
sound of nature and the life of animals in the outdoors. I spent half of my life outside and i love it.

Julie Of The Wolves is about a girl who is 14 years old. Her name is Miyax and she is alone in the north slop of Alaska. Day by day she struggles to survive. Slowly but surly she is accepted in to a pack of the wolves. She grow and love the pack and they help her survive. a few months later she finds a pen pal(Amy) in San Francisco. And Miyax run away to San Francisco towards her pen pal(Amy)who calles her Julie instead of Miyax. The hole time Miyax is without food, shilter and water and no compass eather during this long months journey to San Francisco.

Though the title of the book explains alot about the
story their is alot of emotion and feeling behind
the tital of the title of the book. This is a good emotional chic flic.

Crank by Ellen Hopkins(Lilinoe Warren)

The book Crank by Ellen Hopkins is a non-fiction novel about her daughters life while living in Albuquerque New Mexico. This book is a really easy to read if u wanna get it down fast. you really get in to the book. I choose this book because it looked like it would deal with peoples lives and love problems. Also when i choose this book in the back of the book it says were life and it kinda has to do with mine so i thought it was going to be good and it was!!

Kristina never talks to her father that lives in New Mexico till she finally gets to go to her dad apartment were she thinks her dads the Prince of Albuquerque. but finds out hes just a part time worker at a Bowling Allie. will shes on her stay in New Mexico she meets a guy that shows her things she didn't know it existed in life like Crank. Its a drug that she calls is a montser makes her turns in to a person called bree. she believes bree is a cooler person then Kristina.
Kristina had to return home to her mom were she tryed hanging ut with her friend but reliezed that she wasnt cool just because she doesnt wanna do drugs. so bree choice new ones for kristina ones that are cool and wanna do crank.