Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (blog by lili warren)

The book twilight is a romantic-fiction type of book. Its under the topic romantic because its about to people falling in love. Its also a fiction book because some of the main people in the book are vampires (who doesn't like human blood).

I picked this book to read because it seemed everyone was in love with this book and i just wanted to see if i would be in to this book like every one else. another reason is that the movie looked really good an they all ways say the book is better then the movie.

The book twilight is about a high school girl that just moved to forks Washington to live with her dad that she hasn't seen in a long time. When she gets there Bella realized that everyone knew her already since there school was so small. When she got there there was no one in sight. that day she ment a guy name Edward cullens. He was the dreamy guy at forks high school. Edward didnt really have the perfect love at first sight thing but since edward was a vampire he wanted to suck her blood. While the weeks went on he never showed up bella was always waiting for his science partner to come long. he finally came and bella wasnt soo happy. but ended up falling in love with each other.

while they spend there there was one bad vampire that want bella to die cause of her weird blood. Edward tryed protecting her but it wasnt working so they make up a plan to split up eachother. after all that they went to prom but bella has something on her leg from when they were running away from the bad vampire.

1. I wanna no why they wanted the scene to be in forks? i no its because its gloomy but wouldnt vampires live somewhere cooler.
2. what does the apple have o do with cover of the book? i would ask this cause i dont get why theres a apple there.

Tears of a tiger By Sharon M. Draper (blog by nathan forsgren)

1. "Here" by Hello good bye-- I picked this song because the song talks about him liking driving in the car . I linked that with the book because before the accident in the car they were fine together in the car driving. This song was also a very up beat song so the second reason I chose it was because the kids in the car (Andy, Robert, B.j., and Tyrone) were all happy about Robert about to get a scholarship.

2. "Eye of the tiger" by Survivor-- I picked this as a second song because this song talks about how he wants to survive and how it happened so quick. In the book the accident (car accident) happens very quick. The part were he wanted to survive I meant as in he didn't want to and he didn't know he was going to die. Also because it reminded me of basket ball like in the book since Robbert was the basket ball captain.

3. "All I ask of you" from Phantom of the opera-- This song was a composure which I liked because I'm a band nerd. Another reason I picked this song was because it talks about about the darkness and how the phantom (from the opera) said she was going to be OK, jest as Andy did to Robert right after the accident while he was dying. Also I picked this song because it was some what a sad song,which adds to the scene or setting of the book.

4. "Nothing left" by As I lay dying-- I picked this song because it had a dark intensity to it that pertained to the book when Robert died. The other part I picked this song for was as in the song they said as I quote "we can not hide there's nothing left" it relates to in the book when Andy gets depressed when Robert dies that he decides there's nothing left in the world for him anymore.

5. "How you remind me" by Nickelback-- I pick this song because it was about how she reminded him of her in the song. In the book I did this part for when Andy shot himself B.J. thought of it as a punishment for him so Andy's death reminded him of Robbert's death.

6. "Pray!" by Apocalyptica-- this last but not least song I picked was picked for the reason it was borderline a sad song. Also it was a song that meant for pray to him or that is what I felt from it when I heard it. I picked the sad part because in the book it is a pretty sad part when Andy commits suicide because he feels responsible for Robbert's death.

Snitch By Tanner Lupton

I chose the book snitch because one i was over winter break and i wanted something easy to read. But it wasnt just cause of that. when i read the back of the book i related to alot. I know what its like to be snitched on. The book snitch is a fiction book. It was not based on a true story although stuff that happened in the book happens all the time in real life. Kids fight, kids get caught then they either do time or do community service. And thats what josh did. he got into a fight with another student and was sent to court. the judge gave him two choices either jail or go to the humane society. josh chose to go to the society. He was to teach dogs to be well mannored, as well as himself. He completed the course. and was able to change his life around.

  • Questions for Author.
what made you write a book about this kind of topic?
i really liked this book. so would you ever write the same book but make it longer? I just thought that it was a little to short