Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chris Miller~~~~The Travelers Gift~~~~

The Travelers Gift is a life changing book that everyone should read if they want to be successful in life and find happyness. It is a fictional story however, it has many non fictional characters such as Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lilcon, Anne Frank, and general Chamberlain. I heard from many people that this book is amazing and if i wanted entertainment along with life changing lessons, i should read this book. And they were right. I recommend this book to everyone and i guaratee that you will definitely find use of this book. For people of any sort, smart people, athletic people, the depressed, the failures, drug users, teenagers, adults, and just the average people with a normal job, the lessons in this book can dramatically affect your life.
David Ponder, a depressed parent and husband, is out of money and is losing his job. He can't afford to keep his house and take care of his kid and wife and there seems to be no way out of it. Ponder becomes so fed up with life that he decides the world will be better off without him. He drives on the free way, hits black ice and stumbles off the road smashing into a tree. Within an instant, he is struck unconscious and falls into a deep sleep. The Traveler, David Ponder, begins his journey from there, traveling between different times meeting many different famous people in which he is given the gift of a new life. Through the actions and words of these people. David is taught the seven decisions that determine personal success. If you would like to read this book which i highly recommend everyone to do, i will not spoil the fun. If i could ask the author three questions about the book, one would be why specifically chose those seven characters to represent the travelers gift? Another would be why could only the janitor see david at the end? And the last would be what have you stumbled upon to gain such knowledge and wisdom of how to grasp life by the hands? Also, i could not figure out for the life of me how to download a picture