Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Book Blog by Sarah Beatty

This book has a genre of teen fiction. Even though its fiction, it can depict realistic events that teens might go through in real life, which is why I find this genre so enjoyable.

I chose this book because it was described as a story of music teen romance and humor which all appeal to me. Since I love music so much, the fact that music is tied into the story made me initially interested in reading this book.

Nick O’Leary, the bassist of a queercore band called the “F*** Offs”, just got dumped by his long-time love, Tris. He had a big problem of getting over her, whether he realized it or not. And that’s where Norah Silverberg comes into the picture. Nick and Norah, who had never met before, get thrust into a five-minute relationship, in an attempt to avoid Tris. So what started out as just a game, turned into so much more than what either of them expected.

Together they embark on an adventure in “the city that never sleeps”, taking unexpected twists and turns every step of the way. All in one sleepless night, these two recently heartbroken teenagers, who have nothing in common, become closer and closer, over mix tapes, common enemies, strip clubs, ukrainian soul food, ice room scandals, and much more.

The significance of this book's title is really important. Although it is straightforward, it is the conclusion of the story. It represents Nick and Norah, and their on-going adventure together.
"But now I'm seeing we don't live in a single song. We move from song to song, from lyric to lyric, from chord to chord. There is no ending here. It's an infinite playlist."

If I could ask the author three questions...

1. Did anyone inspire you to create the character of Nick or of Norah?

I would ask Rachel Cohn or David Levithan this question because both characters seem very well developed, both with strong personalities, that they could be an actual person.

2. Did any of the events that occured in the book portray one of your personal experiences?

I would ask either of the authors this because often times authors take past experiences and put them in their books. Since Nick and Norah had pretty unique adventures in the book, I think it would be interesting to see if they were inspired by themselves.

3. What message do you want most do you want your readers to get out of reading this book?

This seems like a sensible question to me because authors usually have a purpose behind their stories, and since there is no obvious moral of this story to me, I'm sure readers get different ideas of the purpose behind this book. Overall, it seems like a book just for entertainment, but I interpreted it as if it were saying that life is always changing; every moment is a song, and your life is an infinite playlist.

You, Maybe By Rachel Vail

You, Maybe
Author: Rachel Vail

This book is fiction

What made me initially interested in the book was the cover than I read the blurb on the back and I was hooked in a minute. A bunch of questions running through my head. Who is Josie going to chose? Carson or Michael? Why does Josie say “love is a brat”? Another reason way is because I felt like I could relate and connect to the girl because she is a sophomore in high school just like me and she sounds like she is going through the same problem I am.

You, maybe is about a girl named Josie who is stuck between Michael her best friend with benefits or Carson the hottest senior guy. Josie is a sophomore, she is independent and sassy, she flirts with many guys like kissing them but it never means anything to her. The book goes into detail of how Carson tries to get Josie to be his girlfriend. Between her arriving at his house in her clown costume, Carson tells her to check her pocket and she pulls her hand out bleeding, taking her to the movies and singing to her. Or does Josie choose Michael who admits to her that he loves her, that he has been in love with her since kindergarten, how he wants to grow up with her, get old together, how he wants to loose there virginity together. Among all the guy drama Josie doesn’t have time for Zandra and Tru her two best friends. Josie ditched Michael on his 16th birthday to be with her boyfriend Carson, Michael got really mad. When Josie went to Carson’s house they got in a big fight over Carson thinking that Josie didn’t love him. So Josie did a big move and left one of her grandmother’s earrings that she hasn’t taken off in years for Carson to show that she loves him. But, than at the mountains Carson told Josie that he didn’t love her. The next day Michael shows up at the mountains because Josie’s mom was in a car wreck and wants to see her. But Josie doesn’t want to leave in fear of loosing Carson. At the end he ends up giving the earring back. Josie is mad and hits him with a wiffle bat and says “well this time you don’t get what you want.” When she hit him he said “that hurt you really hurt me.” And Josie says “right back at you bye-bye Carson”

The significance of the title is that Josie’s mom was in a car wreck and Josie and Carson are in a fight and he says “go, the guy (Michael) drove up in a blizzard to get you, and your mother is in the hospital. What’s wrong with you?” and Josie says “you, maybe”

If I could ask Rachel Vail any three questions they would be
1. Why did you make Josie a sophomore and Carson a senior?
*I don’t understand why she made them so far apart in age
2. Is the story based off personal experience or is it just a made up?
*This story can relate to many teenage girls and I would want to know if she could relate to all of us too.
3. Why did Josie pick who she did?
*I want to know if there was something significance about the person that she chose.

Book blog by: Chyann Wunderlich

Among The Enemy

Among the enemy
Margaret Peterson Haddix
Book Blog By: Mark P.

This is a series of a popular fiction book, so I decide to try it out and see why it’s so popular.

The book is about a boy named Matthias who is trying to survive with his best friends Percy and Alia. One day while running from the Population Police, an organization who acts like its own government and military, that controls food and enforces the no-3rd-child rule, Percy gets shot in the leg, and Alia gets hit unconscious. While Matthias goes looking for medicine, he saves the life of a Population Police officer, who unknowingly forces Matthias to join. After the officer is killed from poisoning the commander of the organization takes him under his wing.
There Matthias uncovers a plot to finally kill all the illegal third born kids. So, with a help of an illegal 3rd child undercover, he leaks the information to the rebels, but they can’t get rid of the plot without wasting precious food. Matthias tricks a group of soldiers to give the food starving civilians and the rebels blow up the building with the commander in it, who found out about Matthias. Later, Matthias finds out that Percy and Alia are safe, and that’s where the book ends.
This title was used, because Matthias was among his enemy, and he found out what one boy can do to a wicked bureaucracy.
The three questions I would ask him are:
1.) How many more books are you going to write in this series?
I asked this because this is already the sixth book, and was wondering how much more the author was planning to write.

2.) Does the commander of the organization expose Matthias?
After the explosion Matthias gets hurt and hides in an abandoned warehouse with a rebel, but before that he throws an unconscious guard at the commander and, because of that both of them survive too. I was wondering if the commander still goes after Matthias even though he saves his life.

3.) Will the organization ever be destroyed and how?
The way the story so far is going it looks like the organization is too strong for the rebels, Matthias, and his friends and at the end will win.

The Boxer and The Spy - Robert B. Parker


When i made my visit to the library to pick out a book this one instantly caught my eye. I was drawn in by the fact that this book is about boxing, yet it is mysterious. I have always been interested in boxing so i was eager to read about a topic that i enjoy. In addition, I love to read a book that is suspenseful because i find pleasure in having the urge to read on not knowing what unexpected turn the book may take. Knowing that Robert B. Parker is the author of the New York Times bestselling Spenser mystery novels i knew this would be an excellent choice and that i would not be disappointed in the book.

When a shy student's body is found washed up on shore of a quiet New England beach-an alleged suicide linked to steroids- former classmate 15 year-old Terry Novak is suspicious. Terry is just your average boy. However, he enjoys boxing. In fact, he has been training how to box with a man named George who is a former boxer himself. Terry didn't know Jason personally, but what he did know is that Jason was not the type of person to take steroids. Jason was a quiet boy who always kept things to himself and never looked for any extra attention. Not to mention he was extremely thin and weak. In addition to that, Terry doesn't think that steroids have severe symptoms such as suicide.

Terry, with the help of his friend Abby, decides to do some investigating on the topic. Terry starts off by researching steroids. When he chooses to ask the school nurse about steroids he doesn't realize what a treat he is putting himself in for. Before too long they realize that asking questions and getting involved in the case gets them into a lot of trouble and they are both put in great danger. However, they have such desire and determination to figure out what really happened to Jason that they don't give up. Survival soon becomes a fight. Luckily, Terry has learned a thing or two about fighting.

The title "The Boxer and The Spy" signifies what Terry goes through during this novel. Terry is very much into boxing and is training hard to improve his skills. However, throughout the story he is investigating the case and doing some detective work by "spying" on some people that may have been involved with the suicide of Jason. For those reasons, Terry is both a boxer and a spy.

I would ask Robert Parker:

"Did you live near a beach in New England as a child?"

I was wondering this because during the story Terry and Abby often times sit on rocks at the beach when they need space and a place where they can just relax and talk about things where they know no one will bother them. I was wondering if when you were a child you would go to the beach when you needed to escape things or a place to relax.

"Did you have a childhood crush on a girl when you were Terry's age?"

I noticed in the book that you always expressed Terry's feelings of affection toward Abby. I was wondering if you had the same type of feelings about a girl when you were his age or if you even later on had a relationship or got married to a woman that you met when you were young because they talked more than once about being together for the rest of their lives. The book even concluded with them talking about that.

"Did you box when you were Terry's age?"

Throughout the book Terry was always training for boxing. I was wondering if you used to box because I could tell by the way you talked about the training and the different moves and such that you have a lot of background knowledge about the sport. I don't know much about boxing and just by reading this book i feel like a learned a lot about boxing.


~Judy Blume~

Book report by: Krysta Purviance

The genre of this book is Teen Fiction. I like this genre because thees books could be a true story and they represent what some teens could be going through as life goes on.

I chose to read this book because it was recommended to me by a friend. Once i started to read this book it was just addicting and i really liked it. I usually hate reading but i didn't while i read this book!

Summary: It all starts out with a girl named Katherine. Its senior year, Katherine and her best friend Erica, go to this party where they meet Michael and Artie. While the days started passing they found themselves hanging out with the boys more and more. Erica eventually has to try and help Artie figure out if he is homosexual or not. Meanwhile Katherine and Michael start to share a more intimate relationship with each other. The both agree they will love each other forever. As they got closer they got more sexual and they lose their virginity to reach other. After graduation they find out that they both have to go away for the summer. They agreed to send letters which they did. at the end of the summer Katherine's grandfather dies from a stroke and Michael leaves home early and goes to the camp Katherine was at. Yet did Michale know that there was another boy. They both thought they were going to last forever but they didn't last at all.

The significance of the title Forever is that Katherine and Michael wanted to be together forever and thought they would be but that word sort of pulled them apart.

If i could ask the author three questions they would be:
1) Why make such an intimate book?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because this is an intimate book and i get that but i don't really get why it had to be so intimate.

2) Why did her grandpa have to die?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because it is always sad when someone dies so why couldn't the author have no one die, instead of the pore grandpa.

3) Why have a title of forever and not something else?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because the title plays a big part in this book but i could see several other titles as the books title so i don't know why exactly it is Forever and not something else.

The Twilight series is definitely fiction from vampires to werewolves it keeps you hooked. When Mrs. Knapp came to visit our classroom she had mentioned that last year this book had earned many awards and was really good. She also said that this year the third book in the series was nominated for an award. So i figured that theses books must of been good. Another reason I chose this book was because my brother was an extra in the movie. But I will admit that when I first heard about this book I figured it would be lame because it's about vampires...but I was wrong!

Twilight is about a teenage girl named Bella who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. She comes to Forks to live with her dad, Charlie. On her first day she has everyone's attention because she's the new girl, who no one knows ,but everyone has heard of. Of the many people she meets on her first day she remembers one: Edward Cullen. Well all the Cullen's actually, because they all stand out in that they are extremely beautiful. But as Bella gets to know Edward she can't figure him out. One day he is pushing a van out of the way from hitting her and the next he isn't speaking to her. As he continues his strange behavior of saving her life repeatedly Bella reunites with an old family friend, Jacob Black, whose dad, Billy Black is best friends with Charlie. When she visits Jacob she asks him about the Cullen's and he tells her some information she hadn't expected at all. The Cullen's are vampires. As she gets to know more about Edward, he is surprised that she got it right. She comes to find that their skin is ice cold and they are incredibly strong. When Edward invites Bella to come watch the Cullen family play baseball this happy story turns into a nightmare. As there playing ball some unexpected guests come, and when they see Bella one of the vampires named James, loves the smell of Bella and with one whiff he instantly wants to kill her. But Edward won't have this so he sends Bella away with Alice and Jasper, his brother and sister. When James contacts Bella he tells her he has her mom so Bella goes to save her mom. But James tricked her and nearly kills her. Then Bella wakes up in the hospital with many brusies, a broken leg, some broken ribs, and Edward at her side.

The significance of the title, Twilight, is that in the book Edward tells Bella that twilight is the easiest time of the day for them to be around humans. But he also says that this is the end of another day and he must face one more day of forever.

If I could ask Stephenie Meyer three questions it would be:

"What inspired you to think up and write this story?"
I would ask this because to think up all of the interesting little facts she puts in her writing would be difficult and she thought of everything. Also the big things like all the characters and the plot.

"Will the movie Twilight be like the book or is it different?"
I would ask this because sometimes movies are different from the book and that is just a dissapointment if the book is good.

"Was your life as a child sort of like Bella's?"
Because in the book it really shows her and how she cares so much for the people around her. The book also shows the pain she goes through with her parents, the seperation, and her mom's new man.

By Kierstyn Tuel

Eagle Blue

The genre of this book is non-fiction. The reason I choose this book was because of two reasons, the first reason i chose this was one it was about a basketball team. The second reason was because it was an award winner. So i figured that it has to be a good book. And for me its very hard to get into a book. But this book was well worth it. Its a great book. And I can relate to this in many ways to, for example I played basketball my self. But there were other reasons. The main reason I choose this book was because of the story behind these players, the players lives, and about the villages. Basketball was everything to these villages. As well as the hardships they went through. If I could ask the author three questions it would have to be

• were the boys well disciplined after there season?
• Did the boys go back to the hard life, maybe drugs? Fighting, bad grades, or did they take what they learned and put those skills into life?
• the third question would have to be was it worth it? Do you have any regrets?

By: Tanner Lupton

Brittany Sauer's book project.

The genre of Just Listen is fiction, but the events that occur could happen. I chose this book because it looked like a good story plot and everything.


Annabel has a pretty good life until her junior year of highschool when she is alienated from all her former friends because of something that happend at the beginnging of the summer that everyone misunderstood. Along with that she wants to quit modeling but is afraid to tell her mom because it could upset. And on top of that her sister is dangerously anorexic. So she keeps all of her feelings bottled up. Then she meets Owen and guy who is extremely honest and it influences Annabel to change. In the end Annabel discovers her true self.

The signifigance of the title is to not judge before you here the whole story and Just Listen.

3 Q's: What made you decide to write this book? Do you listen to every type of music like the character Owen does? Does the character Annabel reflect yourself in any ways?

Just Listen by: Sarah Dessen

I had an endless amount of books to choose from for our independent reading project. But there was one book that really caught my eye. That book was the realistic fiction, "Just Listen". I chose this book for many reasons. A couple months ago, I was at my friends house, and we were settling down for the night, and my friend, Lauren, pulled out this book. I asked her what it was about, and she said, "Well you'll just have to read it. One word though, amazing." So I knew that at one point in my life I would eventually read it. The book had totally slipped my mind until Mrs. Knapp was going through her slide show. That day she had recommended it to the girls in the class. Right then I knew that I was going to read this book. The fact that it was about a girl somewhat close to my age really interested me. On the cover you see a girl listening to music, yet you don't see her face, I thought it was odd that the girls face wasn't shown. Also, the Ipod was really interesting. I myself, am really into music, and that was another thing that really helped me decide on this book.

Annabel is the youngest of three girls in the Greene family. Annabel, her sisters, Whitney, and Kirsten are absolutely stunning. Life was good...for awhile. Annabel met Sophie at the local swimming pool. After a rough start, Annabel and Sophie became best friends. Sophie wasn't exactly the nice girl in town, or a good influence. While their friendship went on, Annabel did things that she never thought she would. These things included, boys, sneaking out, and drinking. Sophie had a boyfriend, older, handsome, and mysterious. He often was involved with other girls other than his girlfriend, Sophie. Lets just say that those girls didn't get off easy after Sophie found out. Well, one night at a party, Annabel's life came to a dramatic halt. Everything changed. She lost her best friend, which meant that she basically didn't have a social life anymore. At home, things weren't the best either. Whitney took a turn for the worst. Annabel's life wasn't the best then, until she met Owen. Owen was a bit of a loner. He was obsessed with music, and never lied. He introduced Annabel to a new way of thinking, a new way of life. But in the end, can Owen save Annabel, and convince her to finally talk about what happened that night at the party that changed everything?

The title of the book, "Just Listen", has somewhat of a significance to the book. In the novel Owen makes Annabel many mix Cd's to listen to. One of the mix Cd's that he gave to her was titled, "Just Listen". That was really the only mention of the title in the actual text. But really the book is about Annabel finding her true self, and learning to cope with things in life. In the book there is a sentence that randomly occurs. The sentence is, "Shh Annabel, it's just me". Annabel, is really trying to figure out who she is, and where she stands. So I would say the the significance of the title is that Annabel, really just needs to listen to her inner voice.

3 Questions:

1. What was your inspiration for writing this novel?

I would ask Sarah Dessen this question because I feel that this book is very realistic, and could easily happen to a girl, or anybody for that matter. I just want to know why she put the things in the book that she did.

2. What was the real meaning of putting in the sentence, "Shh Annabel, it's just me,"?

When that sentence came up, in the rare places that it did, I really wondered what it was about. The first time I read it, I had to go back and read it again. I thought I was seeing things.

3. Did you go through or know someone that went through some of the things that Annabel went through?

I think that all of things that Annabel went through is a lot to handle being a teenager in high school. It would be interesting to know if Sarah Dessen thought up the things in her head, or had a similar experience.

By: Ashley Hansen

Iris, Goo Goo Dolls: I chose this song for two reasons actually. Since it's about love and such I thought it would go great with the relationship between Colie and Norman. Also, Morgan and Marc fit into this song as well. They had a difficult relationship, it was one sided. Morgan truly loved Marc though.

Gauntlet of Solitude, The Devil Wears Prada: This song represents the music that Colie listened to before she got to Colby and when she first arrived. When she was there though, she didn't really have time to listen to music. After her expericences in Colby and after she met everyone, I think she gave up on the hardcore music.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper: Isabel and Morgan always had fun together. Unless they were fighting, they were always making each other laugh. Their friendship was an amazing example for Colie to go off of. Since Colie had never had a friend before, they showed her how. They really took her in, and Colie became best friends with them.

The Boys of Summer, The Ataris: It was summer when Colie was in Colby. And I think this is a good theme song for her summer. She had a lot of fun, and brand new experiences. She really got to take the time to find herself with the help of her new friends.

Glamorous, Fergie: Ever since Kiki Sparks, Colie's mom, got the job at Lady Fitness, they had been losing weight. This song is a good one to represent how they went from fat and poor, to thin and rich. They were basically living glamorous lives. Colie's mothers fame, from becoming a fitness guru did bring in a lot of money, and obviously made their material lives better.

Bitch, Meredith Brooks: I chose this book because of Isabel. Isabel is a beautiful, confident girl. But she used to be just like Colie. She was made fun of, not very pretty, insecure. That was until she found her inner beauty. Colie, like Isabel, had to deal with snobby girls, and Isabel really tries to help Colie through everything. I think this song had a good representation of Isabel and what she tries to teach Colie.

The Road of the Dead - Kevin Brooks

Just over 3 weeks ago, our librarian Mrs. Knapp gave our class a book talk about several stories that were a part of a couple popular book contests throughout the state of Washington. During this presentation, a couple books stood out to me, one being this one, "The Road of the Dead." The fact that this story held a plot line that was both mysterious and murderous, was what drew me in. So, being a non-fiction, mystery, I became immediately interested to learn more. Also, its title, "The Road of the Dead," is enticing and helped me make my choice for this project.

Ruben Ford, his brother Cole, their sister Rachel, and their mother, all lived together conservatively in an average home in Eastern London. The lives had been generally simple and untouched, that is, until one late summer night took Rachel's life. Since the day the children's father had left them, the three kids shared an incredibly tight bond and friendship with each other. However, sometimes it seemed too tight. Ruben had a special ability to feel what Rachel felt, if it was physical or mental, and he could tell the moment that she left him, and left the world. Having to find Rachel's murderer in order to have Rachel's body back, Ruben and Cole went to re-walk Rachel's last journey. With the police saying her body was found several hundred miles away, the two boys took "the road of the dead" to Lychcombe to re-trace her steps and solve her mystery. When finally arriving, the town of 50 people immediately recognized the two boys as being Fords, and the sons of Dan who was one of the gypsies living in this isolated village. Some were very happy to see them, for Dan was an idol among the gypsies, however, some men were the definite opposite. Four men: Red, Big Davy, Sim, and Nate, all knew very well about Rachel's death, and they also knew that Ruben and Cole were coming to find her murderer.

After uncovering secrets and finding parts of Rachel's "road of the dead," the two boys became a threat as well as a target among the people of the village. With a slight mistake by Ruben's older brother Cole, he was demanded to leave the town of Lynchcomb, but not with Ruben. Just minutes after, Ruben found himself being tortured in a rain-soaked barn on the edge of the village. Two of the four men: Red and Sim, knew that Ruben's advanced mind and knowledge was dangerous, so they were in the process of sending him out of town where he would be killed and never found again. However, with Cole's strength in fighting, and cleverness, he made the connections and found his brother Ruben as well as his sister's murderer. Getting information from one of Rachel's good friend's husbands who had associated with Rachel's murderer, Cole was led straight to John Stenler, who killed Rachel. In the end, after beating up all the men to near death, Cole and Ruben left town satisfied with John's dead body, and the ability for Ruben to let go of his sister forever.

So, as briefly explained, the title "The Road of the Dead" signifies the path that Rachel took to her death. However, on a more literal level, during the beginning of the village in the 15th century, a dirt road was created which was used to carry the dead bodies to their burial ceremony. This road was called Lychway, translating to "the road of the dead" and the village was named Lychcombe, translating to "town of the dead." So, as this road signified death, Rachel's body was found in the deep woods at the end of this road. So, literally, the two brothers traveled "the road of the dead" to uncover the murder of their sister.

I would ask Kevin Brooks:

"The gypsy character Jess is incorporated in the 'saving' of Ruben for Red and Sim. Why is she included, and what kind of connections did she have with Ruben's father?"

This question emerged right after I finished the book because she was a significant help in saving Ruben at the end of the book. However, she was never properly introduced, but just appeared in the story as a gypsy whose uncle knew Ruben and Cole's father. However, why did she help them? This would help uncover a lot about the ties that the Fords had with this village.

"Why was Cole forced to leave Lychcombe without Ruben?"

This was one of the only parts of the story that was confusing. The book stated that Cole's mistake sent him out of town, but it never explained why Ruben wasn't allowed to go with him. For some confusing reason, Ruben was forced to stay in Lychcombe without his brother. And lastly, Cole seemed okay with the fact that Ruben would be left there because he got on the bus back to London without a fight.

"Was this murder and family based off of a true story?"

The details in this book, such as "Lychway," the gypsies, and this forgotten village seemed too realistic to create from one's mind. So, I was wondering throughout the story if there really was a murder case in East London, and members of the family went to try and solve the mystery by themselves.

By: Evan Klein

Just Listen - Sarah Dessen

This is a fiction book written by Sarah Dessen, the author of several other books that I've read before and really enjoyed. I chose this book mainly because I've read a few other books by this author including Someone Like You, and The Truth About Forever, and I've really liked both of them. After talking to some of my friends about these books, they recommended that I read Just Listen, as it is by the same author and has a similar tone.

Just Listen is a story about a high school girl named Annabel Greene. Annabel is known by her classmates as the girl who has everything. Or at least that's what it seems like through her modeling shoots for Kopf's, a local department store. But from what she sees, Annabel's life is nothing close to perfect. She no longer has any friends or anyone to turn to, her older sister's anorexia takes a toll on her whole family, and no one seems to understand what she's going through. Eventually, she learns to accept things the way they are and lives silently on her own. It isn't until Annabel meets Owen, a tough, tall, dark, music-obsessed boy who is committed to telling the truth, that she learns so much about herself. With Owen by her side, she learns to listen to herself and gains the confidence to speak the truth. But, there's one thing that's weighing her down, that she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to tell the truth about. And that one thing is the reason her friendship with Sophia ended bitterly. The story is about Annabel's year and the struggles she goes through with Owen as she learns to "just listen".

The title, Just Listen, is somewhat significant in the deeper meaning of the book. Throughout Annabel and Owen's journey together, Annabel learns to "just listen" to herself and be honest with the people she faces, even though it may be the hardes thing for her to do. One of the main topics that comes up between the pair is music. They don't have nearly the same taste in music, but that one subject always seems to strike up deep and meaningful conversations between the two. Eventually, Owen makes Annabel several cd's that he wants her to listen to, but they are all in a specific order. Each of them have different labels on the cd, and the last one that Annabel is eager to listen to is labeled, Just Listen. Owen does this on purpose, as throughout the entire story, he is trying to encourage Annabel to listen to herself and all of the important things she has to say.

If i were to get the chance to ask Sarah Dessen three questions, they would be:
  1. Why doesn't Annabel ever give up modeling, as she has a pretty good relationship with her mother and isn't enjoying it anymore?
I would ask this question because throughout the whole book, Annabel explains how she really doesn't enjoy modeling anymore, but she never tells her mother that she isn't interested in it anymore. I'm wondering why she never tells her mom, as they are fairly close and it wouldn't hurt their relationship at all.

2. What inspired you to write a book about Annabel's such difficult times in high school?

I've wondered this as I read the book, because I think it's interesting how an author can come up with such an interesting plot and create a character who's so sevretive and isolated. I'd like to know how the circumstances in Annabel's life were thought up and put into the writing of a such interesting and relatable book.

3. Does Annabel's character relate to the main character in any of her other books?

I've already read Someone Like You, and The Truth About Forever, and the tones of all three books seem to be somewhat similar. I'd like to find out if the main character in any of her other books purposely relate to Annabel, or if it's just a coinsidence that they all seem to be similar.

-Adrienne Engel

Brisingr is the thrid book in the inheritance trilogy. It is written by Chritopher Paolini. His books are fiction, Containing a lot of adveture and fantasy. I choose this book specifically for the reason his other books were excellent. The reason that his books hold my attnetion is that they contain a very well balanced style. Many books have either too much action, too much romance, or just are repetitive. his sstyle allows for all ends to meet. I would reccomend this book to m friends, but most of them have already read it too.

overall, this book akes place right after one of the major battles, and Eragon and Roran are going on a mission to save Roran's love. Many things hapen througout the story. The chapters are divided into a couple peoples point of view. We have the Vardens leader, Roran, Eragon, and with saphira, arya, and other miscellaneous people also making frequent appearances. Over the course of the book, the people: kill the Ra'zac, get married, help elect the king of dwarves and repair their saphire, get a riders sword, kill a shade, and other various fillers. In the end, both eragon and saphira's teachers are killed.

The title holds some great significance. It is the first word of magic Eragon used. This probably symbolizes a new start or new strength in the coming battles. He also names his sword thus. In the ancient language it means fire, one of the main elements of nature. This could possibly be used to represent the passion for what he's doing. Overall, this title could have many underlaying meanings which will undoubtbly become more apparent in the next book.

There are a lot of conclusions in this book, such as who Eragons father is, and many more questions opened up. Some of my questions are:

1. Is the Thrid egg/dragon rider going to be good or evil? this could make a huge plot twist either way, it will really determine how the next book is written.

2.does anything ever happen off of alagasia? from the map, it seems like there is a ton more space for world. The ocean is on one side, the forest on another, and the mountains on the third. I'm wondering if Eragon will find help from some other race of creatures on the other side of nay of these boundries.

3.when will Solembums prediction in the first book come to pass? The whole second book left this unawnsered, and only a little happened in this book. I think it needs to come true soon or it will be left as a nagging ache.

-Chris Grote

Blog by Jasmine Perry

*The genre of this book is fiction.

*I chose this book because I've read one of the series called Gingerbread, which I wanted to know how the story continued. I also love cupcakes and have never heard a book called Cupcake.

*This book is about a girl named Cyd Charisse who moves to New York City from San Francisco. She ends up leaving her family and her lover Shrimp(a surfer boy). The first few weeks she's in New York don't go very well. She does not find a good coffee place (she has to have good coffee) or place with good cupcakes, she can't get over the fact that her and Shrimp broke up for the 2nd time and all she wants to do is see him, but at the same time find a new love, plus she can't find a job.
Cyd later ends up finding a great coffee place, which she goes to almost everyday. She meets new people which distracts her from the thought of her ex Shrimp most of the time. She gets a job she loves as a barista at a place called Luncheonette. But as her life begins to settle Shrimp shows up on her door step. She has the choice of conquering the city alone in New York, or being with Shrimp and following wherever the surf takes them. Read more to find out what happens!

*The significance of the title of this book I chose is Cyd Charisse's dad calls her cupcake. Another significance is that Cyd is into culinary and loves to make and eat cupcakes.

*1) Are you going to come out with any other books with food names? Because I want to read the next one if there is going to be one, because they are pretty good!
2) How long did it take you to write this book? Because I can never finish a 310 page book in a week, I can never make time.
3)Do some of the things in the book relate to you? Because if I were to write a book I'd relate some things to me, if not how do you get the ideas? Isn't it hard coming up with one thing after another?

Eagle Blue, Tyler Markham

I chose this book because it is fiction and about a basketball team in northern Alaska. Eagle Blue interested me because it was about Alaska and live in Alaska, it reminded me of the stories my dad told me about from when he was growing up in Alaska.

Eagle Blue was about a basketball team in Fort Yukon Alaska, Fort Yukon Alaska is a small town with mostly Natives living in it. The Fort Yukon Eagles had a great season and almost went to the state champoinship. The coach of the basketball team was not Native, but he understood and celebrated with the rest of the Native Tribe. The boys had to have good grades to be able to play, they all usually did except a few kids who didn't get them up everyweek. Since Fort Yukon is so far from other towns they had to get on a plane and fly to Fairbanks and drive to the towns where they played. While they were in those other towns they stayed in the school in a classroom and ate in the cafiteria.

The title Eagle blue represents the Fort Yukon's highschool basketball team and their school color is blue.

1. Did you grow up in Fort Yukon Alaska?

2. Was the theme of the book just like when you were in highschool?

3. Do you think you will write another book that takes place in Alaska?


This book is fiction. I chose to read THE RULES OF SURVIVAL because its about a boy, Matthew, and his two sisters, Callie and Emmy, who's mother, Nikki is not only physically but mentally abusive. I also chose to read this book because these kind of things happen to children in real life, its a sad thing but true. Nikki does not know how to take care of her children and she's not around a lot. She always has a different guy around every couple of weeks and the the worst thing is that when she doesn't like something she almost kills one of her children, Nikki is rarely nice or even pleasant to be around. She's conceited and the kind of person that makes life hard to live in, Nikki is someone who you would think "Why does she even have kids if she's not going to be a mother?". This book is one that will make you think how good your parents are to you. How much worse things could be. The significance of this books title "THE RULES OF SURVIVAL" is probably the perfect title because of what these children had to go through,They had to learn how to survive on there own.


1) Why did Matthew and Callie leave Emmy by herself even though Nikki was gone?

  • Why did Matthew and Callie leave Emmy when they knew that if Nikki came home and she found out that they weren't there, she would do something terrible to Emmy. It doesn't make sense that they would take that chance or risk.

2)In the beginning of the book you say "This book is for all the survivors. Always remember: The survivor gets to tell the story." who are the survivors? someone you know?

  • I ask this question because i was wondering who inspired this story that she tells.

3)What made you think of such a deep story?

  • Was it because you experienced something like this or witnessed it?

Cheyenne Vizzi

The Dark SIde_Stephen King

- Zack Nute

I choose this book because it is a fictional muder story. This book interested me because just in the prolouge it talks about the main character having a supposed brain tumor. In reality it wasn't a brain tumor but it was peices of his absorbed twin.

The main character, Thad Beaumont, is a professional writer. His Pen name is George Stark. He "buries" George stark so that he does not have to continue writing under this pen name. But what he does not know is that George Stark has come to life and is trying to stay alive by getting Thad to teach him to write. Thad does not want to help Gearge write because he does not want George stark to live. Thad does not want George to live because in the time taht he has lived he has killed a number of people allready, so who really wants to let that live?

Thad decides to pretend to help George write for the sake of his wife and childeren, which are twins. Thads plan is to teach Geaorge to write on his own so that George will be concetrated on his writing while Thad Uses the sparrows to haul George Stark back to the land of the dead. He does this by using a Bird call given to him by a fellow teacher at the university in Ludlow. The sparrow rip bits and peices off of George until he is light enough for them to carry back to the land of the dead. Thus, Thad saves his family along with the sheriff.

The title is significant Because it shows that Every one has a "dark half" even if they don't know it. Also it is significant because it tells the reader right away that it wil be about something dark or bad.

If I met Stephen King, I would ask him what goes through his mind as he writes these gruesome books. I would also ask him where he gets his ideas for these books. and the third question i would ask him is "can i have you autograph" jk. But seriouslly the third question i would ask him is if he would come and do a book signing at CHS.

Grist- Alex Rader

I chose the book, Grist, because I like the fact that the book is based on a girl who loves to write and has a really bad sarcasm problem. Also, the book takes place at Charlie's Grandma's house near a lake.
Grist is the one word, through out the book, that Charlie is constantly trying to find. The last day of school, Charlie is called in to her creative writing class by her strict teacher, Mr. Pollen. Mr. Pollen tells Charlie that her last creative writing assignment, The Chocolate Moose Man, had o Grist, horror or excitement. Charlie than packs her things to leave her Dad and Step mom to go to Lake Ringrose for the summer, ad for a change. Lake Ringrose is where Charlie's Grams lives and where Charlie's mother lived before she died. Upon her arrival, Charlie has met a cute guy who works at Jenny's Restaurant in the middle of town. Every time she is seen with Kerry, Charlie finds herself falling deeper and deeper into a whirlwind of mystery and...Grist.
Grist, I think, is a good title for the book since that is all Charlie is ever thinking about. Grist is what Charlie needs in order to get a productive writing assignment and the change she wants.
1) Why did you choose Grist as the title of your book?
2) Where did you get you storyline from?
3) Is any part of the book based on your's or someone else's life?

13 Little Blue Envelopes By Maureen Johnson


Genre: Fiction

13 Little Blue Envelopes is about a girl named Virginia, Aka Ginny, who randomly gets a message from her dead Aunt Peg. This message gives her strict instructions with $1, 000 more instructions to buy a plane ticket and 4 rules she must follow. RULE 1: she may only bring what fits in her backpack. No purse or carry on item. RULE 2: Ginny cannot bring any guidebooks, phrase books, or any kind of foreign language aid. And no journals. RULE 3: she cannot bring any extra money like credit/debit cards or traveler's checks. Aunt Peg is taking care of that. RULE 4: no "electronic crutches. This means no laptop, no cell phone, no music, and no camera. She cant call home or communticate with people in the U.S. by internet or telephone. Postcards and letters are acceptable and encouraged.

Step one of Ginny's journy is to leave her home town of New Jersey and go to her Aunt's old apartment in New York called 4th Noodle to recieve a package. The package contains the 12 envelopes in which she can only read each numbered letter after she completes the previous task. These letters take her all over Europe to places like London, Paris, Rome, Greece, Scotland and the Netherlands. Over the course of the book Ginny learns more and more not only about her dead Aunt, but herself. Ginny goes from a shy and quiet teenage girl to a mature and outgoing young woman.

I chose to read this book just because of the cover, and plus Keely said it was a good book. I think i liked the cover because of the coloring and because there is a girl that looked to be my age on the front. Books that have characters my age are easier to relate to and understand.

The title of the book does have to do with the contents inside of it. Ginny recieves a total of 13 envelopes over the course of her journy through Europe.


1: Were Aunt Peg and Richard ever anything more than just roommates? During the book it just says they lived together. There isnt much information on how they met or get together.

2: How did Ginny and Keith end up? Ginny falls for Keith but Maureen never says if they ever get to speak again.

3: What was the purpose of only using letters? Obviously the dead Aunt couldnt talk to her but what made Mrs. Johnson choose letters?

Twiligt by stephenie meyer post by Darian Rader

I chose twilight because it was under the fiction section. Also because i love books about mysterious romance,not to mention vampires.
Twilight is about a girl, Isabella Swan, who lives in Arizona with her recently married mother. When her mother and step-dad decide too move to Florida she wants to move with her Father in the small town of Forks, Washington. There she makes new friends, including a mysterious vampire named Edward. After realizing they fell in love with each other Edward and his family invite Bella over for a baseball game, and end up running into three other vampires, one of which can tell she`s human, and tries to hunt her down to her old town in Arizona.
Twilight is the point of the sunset right before darkness comes. It is significant to this book because when Twilight comes Edward feels like its an end of a good day withe Bella, and a soon to start great day.
If i could ask Stephenie Meyer any three questions about the book they would be:
I would want to know what drove her to write the book, how did she come up with the characters?
I would also want to know if she based any of these characters on any real life people?
I would finally like to know, if she will write any more books, not specifically about Bella, but about maybe Carlisle`s past and how he came to be a vampire.

Sade Allen book project

Genre: Fiction

I chose this book because I have an interest for weather stories for example thing that happen to people after tornadoes hit.so when I heard of all the things that happen in the book, with earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. It caught my attention.

The basic thing that happens in the book is the moon is hit by a meteor.Everyone excited until they realize that the moon is coming closer to the earth and then all hell brakes loose. The main character Miranda and her Family are forced to survive the best they can. Their survival was left to a giant food supply and a wood stove. Miranda had many things she love that had to disappear along with the electricity. Her school wasn't able to sustain it's self and had to loose power, teacher, school lunch, and more than half of the student body. toward the end almost every had lost hope but then suddenly they start getting more and more power. which give's our high school teenager a new begin in the end.

the titles Significance is life as it once was is what it's suppose to mean. After all the bad things happened in the book.

The Questions I have for the author is What inspired you to write this? What did you think after you publish the book? do you have any connections with any of the character, if so what?


This book is called “Brisingr” it is the third book of the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, this follows the two other books, Eragon and Eldest. The genre of this book is a fantasy. The reason why I chose this book is because Eragon was given a few awards when it was released. So then I went on and read the back of the book and got really interested. I read Eragon and eldest, and decided that this would be a good time to get back into the series for this book project.

The book “Brisingr” is basically about how Eragon and his cousin, Roran are brought back together. They finally destroy the Ra’zac, which was one of the overall missions for Eragon and Roran because they were the ones responsible for killing Garrow, Roran’s father, and kidnapping Katrina. Then go on to let Ronan to finally get to marry Katrina. After that they go back to the Varden, a rebel group that despises the king, and plan to destroy all of the evil things the king has done, and remove him from power.

In January of 2008 it was stated that the title of the third book of the inheritance series was to be called “Brisingr”. Brisingr was the first word in the ancient language to be said by Eragon and also it means more than even what Eragon could have known. The word Brisingr means “fire” used by the magic users to summon fire and use it in combat and to do things such as cook.Fans thought that it may have more importance than being the name of the book and may be the true name of Eragon since the first two books names are closely related to the major characters that are in them. The book cover has the picture of the gold dragon, Glaedr, looking to the right.

Are Eragon and Saphira going to live through the entire series of inheritance?
I am really interested if they are going to be able to live through another book? Because it wouldn’t completely destroy the story if Saphira dies, because Eragon would have to go down the same path is main enemy, Galbixtorixs, had to go down.

Are you going to make the “Ancient Language” fully functional and otherwise a complete language itself?
I would think it would be cool to make up a complete language on your own, and I was just wandering if he will, or has yet.

When is the last book going to be released?
I ask this because I can’t wait to continue the story, and understand how they truly wrap up the story. There are so many unanswered questions.

Summary by: Alan Hartquist

Small Steps by Davis Young

This book is fiction. The reason I chose this book is because I really liked the first book Holes and thought that it was going to be just like it and it was. I also thought it was a very good book.

What this book is about is that it follows the life of Armpit after he is released from Camp Greenlake. He is living in Austin, Texas and X-Ray comes to him with a business propisition for the pop singer that is coming to town and the way X-Ray wants him is to get money fast by buying tickets and then selling them for a higher price. Then when everything is going good X-Ray's plan backfires an the police get involved. When Armpit hears about this he tries stay calm because he does not want to go back to jail. Also he goes to go the concert but when the security guard gets him he finds out X-Ray gave him counterfeit tickets which starts the whole thing with the police.

The signifacance of the title is that Armpit would like to just take small steps but then X-Ray comes and wants him to take big steps and in the end Armpit learns and takes small steps.

Some questions that I have for Louis Sachar is

  1. Why did Armpit choose to do what X-Ray told him to? I would ask him this because it isn't clear in the book.
  2. Why didn't X-Ray have his own job to get his own money? I would ask him this because he asked Armpit for the money to buy the tickets.
  3. Why did Armpit work for a landscapeing company? I would ask him this because wouldn't he tired of digging.