Snitch is a book about a kid named josh who has had some problems with his choices in the past and has lost some friends that he probabally shouldnt have. Josh lives in a one room apartment with his older brother derek and his wife miranda and his little nephew digby. He lives this life because his parents died at a young age and he has been going threw tough time not only with his brother, but also with the law. Josh's probation officer gives josh two choices,go to jail for a while or go to a dog training class. You probabaly thought he took the class instead of jail,well your wright. As he takes this class he is so bored and he thinks it's pointless, but what he doesnt know is that his old friend Scout is also in the class, this would be a good thing but they are now enemies. After getting to forgive eachother Scout and Josh become friends again. bu tasjs t beginin of i all, during the recovery class they meet a kid named Travis. this kid is nothing but trouble and of course josh always ges stuck with th toubel makers. and Travis hates josh so he thinks of the worst scam in the world that involves josh's life. i may even involve te law!