Monday, December 8, 2008

Cameron's Book blog for 2nd book project /Endymion Spring

2nd Book Blog by: Cameron Schnell on Endymion Spring

The genre of this book is non-fiction. the things that drew my attention to this book were the dragons on the front of the cover and the plot of the book sounded amazing.
In the dead of night, a cloaked figure drags a heavy box through snow covered streets. The chest, covered in images of mythical beasts, can be opened only when the fangs of its serpent's-head clasp taste blood.
Centuries later, in an Oxford library a boy touches a strange book and feels something pierce his finger. The volume is blank, wordless, but fine veins run through its pages, and they seem to quiver, as if alive. Words begin to appear in the book-words only the boy can see.
The significance of the title Endymion Spring is, that one of the main characters is named Endymion Spring and he is also the one who discovers the secret of the book in past.
If I could ask the Author 3 questions they would be
  1. Will there ever be a sequel to Endymion Spring?
  2. what ever happend to Faust after Endymion Spring escaped from his clutches?
  3. Will Duck ever take off her yellow rain coat?
The reason for these questions are If there will be a sequel I bet it would be awesome, and they never tell what happens to Faust after peter and Endymion get away and Blake's little sister is nicked named Duck because of her yellow rain jacket which she refuses to take off because she believes that it (the rain jacket) will keep her parents from getting a divorce.