Thursday, November 6, 2008

The A- List

The A-List by: Zoey Dean

Ashley Gjerswold

1. The A-List is a Fiction book with a lot of drama in it, I am sure it can be true for some people, but not most.

2. I chose this book because it looked like a good "girly" book. I read the back of it and I am into the books with the rich girls who have everything they want and act really bratty. Another reason I chose this book was because it caught my eye by the cover. Even though the cover is white it still looked like a great book.


Sam- The size 16 rich girl who thinks she can get what ever she wants. Until that is the night of her fathers wedding when she thought the guy she hadn't seen forever was coming single to the wedding hoping she could do something with him. He shows up with a size 0 pretty girl...

Ben- The Prinstin Rich, Hot fratt boy. He is flying home from college for Chrsitmas break and a family friends wedding. On the plane he hooks up with Anna, he invites her to this wedding as his date... That is when everything gets confusing...

Anna- The New York, perfect grade prep school girl with is flying out to live with her dad in LA for an internship... That is until she meets Ben, that is when she gets the feel for how rich snotty girls act... she thinks Ben is the right one for her... that is until Cammie, Sam and Dee enter.
Cammie, Sam and Dee are the A-List girls and no one can take that away from them... except Anna.

4. The significance of the book title is, the A- List is girls who look good, are rich and have the top desinger clothes, and go to a Prep school. The title of this book pretty much explains the whole book. All the girls in here are A List girls.

-Why did you choose to write this book?
- Why did you title this book the A-List?
- Were/ are you an A List girl or did/ do you want to be an A list girl?
I chose to ask these three questions because they are questions I wondered through out this whole book. Also someone who put this much detail into a book either, had a personal experince or is a really good writer.

Grist.. by Heather Waldorf

book genre: fiction

In the past I have never been interested in books. I always thought reading was a chore for me. When I was forced to read, I was never able to find that right book. This whole "hating to read" thing went away after that one day in the library when i was loooking for a book and happened to of come across a book called grist. I picked it up and read the back. I thought to my self "wow this surely is the book for me". Before you knew it, I couldnt put that book down for nothing!

chars's widowed father is preoccupied with his new girlfriend. Her best friend and crush, Sam, has moved to Australia. And she has fallen out of favor with her creative-writing teacher . she heads for her grandmother's cottage at lake Ringrose, Ontario, hoping to reconnect with the memory of her mother who died. Despite Gram's warnings, Charlie is drawn to bad boy Kerry, and the two quickly bond. But family secrets are spilled, and the lovebirds learn that they are half siblings (to quote Char, "eewwwwww"). The previously flirty pair awkwardly shift to a brotherly/sisterly rapport.

questions for the book:

1) why did you pick the title "grist"?

2) what got you interested in writing this novel?

3) why would you recomend people to read your book?

"Grist" was one of my favourite reads so far- to a point. It was one of those books that you just can't put down. The teenage love story was cute, the characters were realistic and funny (quirky), and the book was a great pace. I loved this novel, up to a point. At one point (I don't want to ruin the book for anyone), it gets really stupid and I lost respect for the author at that point. I found it got unrealistic and sappy at the end. I hated the climax of the story, although I had predicted it.


Living on the Black: Two Pitchers, Two Teams, One Season to Remember

Cameron Wright

By John Feinstein
Genre: Non-Fiction

I chose this book because books about sports, more particularly baseball, whether fiction or non-fiction, usually interest me. This is because a lot of the time while reading these types of books I can relate to them. I can relate to them when they’re on the field, or just in everyday life.

This book is centered around 2 different, but similar MLB pitchers and how they made it to the big leagues. The pitchers are Tom Glavine and Mike Mussina. Glavine is from Massachusetts and originally wanted to play ice hockey more than baseball. He was drafted in both the MLB and the NHL drafts out of high school, but decided to play baseball, putting him in the Atlanta Braves organization. Mussina is from Pennsylvania. Like Glavine, he was drafted by the MLB out of high school, but elected to attend college rather that go straight to the majors. He went to college at Stanford University.

The book covers throughout their careers, in both the good years and the bad years of the two players. Both had multiple 20-win seasons, and both had to go through the players’ strike of ’94. The book also has each of them speaking about how they felt about themselves and other players at the time of the interview.

The significance of this title is that since both pitchers don't throw very hard compared to other pitchers, they have to be very accurate. In this case being accurate means just skimming the black border around home plate, hence the term “black”.

Questions to the author
How did you decide what two pitchers the book would be on?
When did the players find time to speak with you? Season or Off-season?
How did Tom Glavine’s sore arm affect him early in his career?

life as we knew it by Susan Beth Pheffer

About three weeks ago when our librian teacher were introducing us to award books that we could read for our book project, she introduced us to the book life as we knew it. Once she told us what it was bout imediately i knew that was the book i wanted to read. I really like books like these because of all the detail they put in it. If there wasnt enough detail then i probably would have picked this book. And i admit once i read the first page i knew i liked it already.
The book is about when miranda and her family hear warnings that a meteor is going to hit the moon they thought everything would be ok. As it turns out there prediction was wrong. Once the meteor hit the moon everyone noticed that the moon was knocked closer to earth. Miranda thought that it was kinda odd but didnt think to much of it. The next day tsunami's and then earthquakes and volcanoes start to form and erupt. People didnt know what do and knew that they needed to get to the stores to stock up. Stores were flooded with people running around grabbing as much as they could. Gas prices went up to ten dollars a gallon, and the world to miranda seemed like it was all coming to end at that point. When the volcanoes erupted in all places possible even volcanoes that couldnt erupt, with all that ash flying threw the air, it started to cover up the sun and the sky. No one went outside because of all the ash and everything was a complete mess. With all the catastophic events happening miranda and her family had no power. The power would come on every once in a while and when it did they would rush to the washing machine, dish washer, and vacuum to clean up the house and do there laundry. Miranda's family was a nervous reck, having to deal with if they were going to live or not. Will the world ever go back to being normal?
This book really got me thinking about was it possible that this could really happen? Reading this book made want to never put it down. It was like watching a moive in my head with all the descripted details. I could really relate to the characters beacuse its very detailed about there feelings and what it was like to be them in that situation. I would really recommend others to read this book therefore they would enjoy it just as much as i did. This book was VERY well written because i really got into it and enjoyed it a lot.
If i could ask the author three questions they would be why is it that you chose to write about the moon getting knocked closer to the earth? Why did everyone stop swimming in the pond? was it because they were afraid of the disease? And my last question would be what was your main purpose to get people to understand in your book?
blog made by Brandi nester