Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Small Steps, written by Louis Sachar... blog by Timothy Rodriguez

Small Steps by Louis Sachar is a fictional story, that first caught my attention mainly because i read the first book "Holes" and that made me want to read more of this authors books because i like how it's written, how the average person could connect to the story told. Small Steps is the story of Armpit from camp green lake and how he was working for a better life after the camp was closed due to bad people in bad places. his work was going very well, until X-ray, one of Armpit's friends from camp green lake, well X-ray had this idea of buying tickets for a concert that he was 100% sure would sell for a nice price raising Armpits already hard earned cash by a couple hundred. Armpit of course had a hard time saying no to X-ray so the ticket selling began and it was slow but it started working almost right before the concert, and at last minute Armpit decided that he wanted a couple of tickets to take this little girl, that befriended him. This is where his problems begin once he got to the concert with the little girl two people claimed that he was sitting in their seats so one thing happened after another he was tackled and he little friends went into shock from the commotion, after their mishap they ended up in the care of the singer who was preforming that night they got nice shirts and watched the concert from backstage, and afterwords they ate ice cream together with the singer...
After sometime Armpit was called by the police because they wanted to find the person who gave him the fake tickets(he knew but he wasn't gonna rate his friend out), he was also called by the singer who gained a crush on Armpit and he loved that feeling and felt the same way. he mat her before she left his state, and after sometime he left on vacation to see her and in this proses he ended up needing to get a letter from the singer so it could be sold by an angry man who sold tickets for a living(like how X-ray and Armpit tried, but without the fake tickets), so Armpit planed on telling her the problem he had and hoped she'd right a fake letter to keep the pissed man at bay(and from telling the police)she didn't take it well she freaked and went to her hotel room to chill and waiting there was her step-father/Manager and he tried to kill her but her body guard slowed him down, but sadly the body guard was stabbed, but Armpit came in just the nic of time to save the day and he love but she was already knocked out so she never knew he saved her and he just ended up never seeing her again going to his normal life of trying small steps toward a better life.

and if i could ask the author anything it would be what happened next?, are you going to write the lives of the other boys from camp green lake, and finally what drove u to write these stories?

Hannah Giger - Savannah Breeze

Savannah Breeze was recommended to me by my grandmother. She said that it was a good book and that i would enjoy it. This book is a fictional based book.
Savannah Breeze is about a woman named Bebe who is scammed by a man into all of her money and everything that she owns. which included her house and a few rental properties. But she is left with an old run down inn, that she can't tear down because of some legal issues. So in the end all she is left to do is to take her two friends and granddad and go track down the guy who stole her money, and trick him in another scam to get it back. In order to do this they had to travel down to Florida and pretend to own a yacht. In the end Bebe is able to get all of the money back, the man is captured by the police, and Bebe is able to now live a life full of happiness, but most of all love.
This may seem like a typical love story, happy ending kind of book, which it is, but its also so much more then that. From the way Mary Kay Andrews writes it, to the little details that mean absolutely nothing to the out come of the book. Savannah Breeze is an amazing book that hooks you from the beginning. By the time you reach the middle you are so into it that you couldn't possibly be able to put it down.
1) What happens to Reddy in the end?
2)Why did you pick Savannah? Is there a significance to this?
3)What made you decided on the yacht? What was the significance to that?

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, Allison Lister

I chose this book because I like to read Realistic fiction and because I knew that it was about the holacaust. I like to read and study things about the holacaust so I thought this book would be interesting.

This book is written from the point of view of a nine year old boy named Bruno. It takes place in the 1940's. Bruno's father is a German nazi commander and is sent to be stationed at auschwitz. But being just a young boy, Bruno doesn't understand what is going on, or why they had to move to a new house. When Bruno was out exploring the new house, one day, he came across a fence armed with barbed wire all around, he spots a little boy, who was named Shmul, on the other side of the fence. They secretley become friends and he is wearing the "striped pajamas." Although Bruno was taught prejudiced terms growing up, he saw the little jewish boy as an equal. The significance of this book title is that Bruno thinks Shmul is just another kid, and he doesn't understand why the boy is in the "striped pajamas" and why he is on the "other side" of the fence. 

1.) Why did you choose to end the book the way you did?
2.) What was the significance of writing this story from a little boys point of view?

Flush by Carl Hiaasen-----Blog by Andrew Benson

The genre of this book was Realistic Fiction.

I chose this book because I had read a previous book by Carl Hiaasen and when I learned of a new book of his, I decided to read this one. Carl Hiaasen's books are usually pretty humorous and realistic. They all contain elements of something that you can picture in everyday life. This book initially drew me in when I saw the cover and could automatically tell from the cover illustration that this book had humor within it.

Noah Underwood's dad has just gone to prison for sinking the local gambling casino. This casino is placed on a large yacht belonging to a certain suspiciously greedy tycoon called Dusty Muleman. According to Noah's father, the ship had been dumping the casino boat's sewage tank into the bay in order to save any money they could.

One night, Noah's father, Paine, decided to take action and sink the casino boat in retaliation for the harmful and gross crimes Dusty Muleman was committing. But unfortunately, soon after the boat was sinked, Dusty managed to open the casino back up again, causing anger in the Underwood family. Following in his father's footsteps, Noah decides to take matters in his own hands and soon, with the help of his sister, Abbey, and a few not so glamorous sidekicks, embarks upon an adventure to catch Dusty in the act and put him out of business and in jail.

The title of the book comes from a passage in the story involving the last attempt at exposing Dusty Muleman for the culprit he was.

' When we told her our plan, she didn't laugh or make fun. She just lay there thinking.
"Well?" Abbey said impatiently.
Shelly levered herself upright, balancing the ice pack on her forehead. "This idea of yours is so whacked," she said, "it just might work."
"Does that mean you'll help us?"
"And all I gotta do is flush?" she asked. "That's it?"
"That's all you've got to do," I said. "Flush, and flush often." ' (pg.149)

1. How did you come up with this idea for a book?
I would ask this question because this book's plot, while realistic, is not normally thought of out of the top of your head.

2. Is there any special meaning to the location of the book (Florida Keys)?
This is one question I would ask because many books I have read, the setting usually has some sort of sentimental or special meaning to the author.

3. How come there has not been a sequel out since you wrote this book?
I wonder this because the ending of the book leads you to believe that there will be a sequel and yet it has been almost 4 years since Carl Hiaasen has come up with any new stories, even ones unrelated to Flush.

Hatchet-Aaron Barber

A great book by Gary Paulson that describes the obstacles and dangers young Brian struggled through. Brian had many dangers to be aware of like animal attacks, starvation, even a tornado. Brian has to figure out how to survive with only the hatchet that his mom gave him after the piolot that was flying small plane has a heart attack. Brian has to land the plane in the Canadian wilderness after it runs out of fuel. Brian learns to kill and eat the fish, birds, and rabbits of the Canadian woods.

Breaking Dawn posted by Hannah Sanders

Blog by, Hannah Sanders on Breaking Dawn.
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer is a fictional book, sort of fantasy as well. Well I got hooked to the Twilight series after I got a few chapters into the first book. I got obsessed and read all four of the books. Breaking Dawn was unfortunately the last book in the series, I was devastated! The way Stephanie Meyer writes is both captivating and riveting. The book makes you shiver and shake at the vivid details. The characters and the characteristic of the characters make you want to connect details that you have in common. It’s a book that you can just stop reading, you have to read more.
In the before book, Eclipse Bella got engaged to Edward and they were deciding what college to go to together. He is rich so he bribed her into a top notch school with him. But she isn’t into the whole buy your way in. She got accepted into an Alaska college as did he but he didn’t want to go that far away from friends or family. She thought that Alaska was perfect because she wanted to be turned into a vampire to live eternity with him. But he warned her that it wouldn’t be very easy because, often times newborn vampires are hard to tame with the thirst for blood. She thought being away from people she loved would be the best in that situation. He promised her that he would turn her into a vampire after they got married. She also made him promise her to try to sleep with her when she was still human. That part he was afraid of… He was afraid of hurting her, or breaking her. In his mind that was his worst nightmare.
Breaking Dawn is the fourth book in the series and the last, the main characters are Isabella Swan (known as Bella) and Edward Cullen. Bella is the main character in all of the books, but Edward is the second main character basically. Edward is a vampire and is head over heels in love with Bella she is his unending life. Bella and Edward has the wedding of the century, hosted by Edwards sister, Alice Cullen. Then Edward takes Bella to the lovely Island Esme. An island that Edward’s father bought for his wife Esme and named it after her. This was the time that Bella wanted Edward to try to sleep with her when she was still human… They get a big surprise out of the honeymoon.
I see sort of how the title would relate to the book, because I think when Bella was transformed into a vampire and woke up from the pain, flames of fire burning in her veins, at breaking dawn.
The three questions I would ask Stephanie Meyer would be:
1. Can you relate yourself to Bella?
2. Do you freak when you find yourself excited for the movie?
3. Do you think the movie will be a succsess?

"The Book of Luke" - Jenny O'Connell

By: Keely Aldridge

This is a great book, i heard a lot of good things about this book, so i decided to try it out. and i am really glad that i did. This book is funny, but really cute at the same time. i like this book because in someways it is easy to relate to.
This book is about, a girl, a boy, and a notebook that could ruin everything. Emily Abbott is through being the nice girl, and following all the rules. But all the people that she thought she could count on, are being totally unreliable. Her boyfriend breaks up with her on the morning that she moves back to Boston. And her father who was moving the family across country, has decided to stay behind and tie up some lose ends. So when her and her friends decided to create a guide, to tell boys how to treat girls right, Emily decides that it is the perfect chance to drop the "good girl" role. After all who would ever suspect the girl voted most likely to be nice, could be so mean? Emily has to prove that she can change Luke Preston, the guy who broke her best friends heart, and is the example of everything that she despises about males. But when Emily starts to fall for the test subject, things become a little more complicated than Emily had planned. Should she tell her friends the about her feelings for Luke and lose both of her best friends? Or should she tell Luke that at first they were just using him and lose a great guy?
If i could ask Jenny O'Connell 3 questions about the book, i would probably ask her what made her think of the topic for this book, if any parts of the book were from personal experiences, or would she ever do anything that happened in the book to Emily? i guess i would ask these questions because usually authors can somehow relate to there books, and i would like to know if that was the case for her.

Daniel Allen- Ranger's Apprentice

Ranger's Apprentice
Daniel Allen
Ranger's Apprentice is a fantasy book written by John Flanagan.
Nothing in particular at first made me choose this book. I was short on time and needed one, and while searching in the school library someone nearby recommended it to me because I was near its section. If I had heard about this book beforehand I would have probably chosen it because it is a good well-written story.
Will is a fifteen year old boy who was raised as a ward in the Baron's castle because both of his parents were deceased by the time he was born. His father died, a great hero, and Will's one dream was to grow up becoming a knight for the kingdom. Once his choosing day comes, however, he is denied his position as a knight. Mysteriously enough Halt, a senior ranger, chooses Will as his Apprentice. Will's attributes are good, he is cunning and stealthy, which makes him perfect for being the essential “Spies” for the Kingdom. Once Will starts, he doesn't seem too interested in being a ranger, in fact he is crushed because of his want to become a knight. He quickly realizes though that rangers are not what they appear to be and he soon loves his new position as a ranger.
Morgarath is a Baron for another one of the kingdom's fiefs, Gorlan. Or he used to be. He tried to take over the kingdom but failed to do so, and he became banished to the Mountains of Rain and Night. After years of searching Morgarath found evil creatures called Kalkara, which are giant creatures similar to a big-foot. The Kalkara's eyes paralyze anyone within close range, and they are eventually deployed by Morgarath to go and seek revenge upon the kingdom which banished him. The rangers hear word that the Kalkara were coming from their tight network of spies, and Halt, Will and Halt's former apprentice Gilan are all going to attempt to kill them. After many suspenseful pages of tracking the Kalkara, Will is the one who end's up saving everyone's lives because of his quick thinking in a way to kill the Kalkara. In the end he is given the chance to become a knight again, and he denies it because of his newfound passion, being a ranger. Fortunately enough, the past of Will's parents were also revealed to him.
Title Signifigance:
The title Ranger's Apprentice, has no real significance. It has no hidden meanings at all, it simply states the main character's role in the book.
Questions for the Author:
What made you want to write this book?
Where did you get the idea of ranger's being the intelligence agency for the kingdom?
What was the so called, “Poem” that started off your career as a writer?

Eragon read by Seth Wachlin

This book takes place in the magical land of Alagaesia making this a fiction book. The title of the book is named for the main character in the book, Eragon. Eragon is a 15-year-old farmer boy living just outside the town of Carvahall. When Eragon is hunting in the Spine, which is a range of mountains that most are afraid of, he comes across a strange blue rock. The so-called rock ended up being a dragon egg.

After the egg hatches for Eragon, which makes him a Dragon Rider, strange things start to happen. Mysterious creatures show up asking about Eragon. When the creatures kill his uncle, Eragon sets out on an adventure to seek revenge. The village storyteller who seems to know a lot about dragons accompanies him. With the help of the Brom, the storyteller, Eragon starts to develop his skills as a Dragon Rider.

I mainly chose to read this book because my brother told me to when I mentioned this project to him. The other reason I read this book was because I had seen the movie and everyone that I talked to said that the movie was horrible if you had read the book. After reading the book, I can tell you that those people were right. The book was amazing and the movie was a horrible piece of work compared to it.

One question I have for the author is how he comes up with all the names in the book. The book even has words for completely new language that the author made up and it is not simple, at least to me. Another question I have is why he kills Brom in the story. In the story, it seems to me that Eragon could have moved of the way of an arrow just like Brom moves in front of the arrow. The last question I have is if Murtagh and Eragon are brothers. I ask this because Murtagh’s mother died when he was young, and see disappeared for a while he was really young. This disappearance makes me wonder if you could fit Eragon’s story about his mother into the over all story. Eragon’s mother showed up in Carvahall pregnant, went to her brother’s house, had her baby, named him and left.

Friday Night Lights

I Heard about this book throught the movie and television show. Mrs. Widdop brought to my attention that she had the book. I chose the book because I knew it was one of the few books that could keep my attention throughtout the whole book. It did just that because it was a topic i understand and that keeps me intersested.
This book is about a town that bases their entire lives on high school football. How you do is the standard your life succes is measured by. The book covers there entire season from pre-season to the state championship. Its set in the small town of Odessa, Texas at Permian high school. Permian had more wins than any Texas high school in history. They start the season predicted to contend for the state title and the town expects just that. Then suddenly their star running back Booby Miles, who is being recruited by every major college, goes down with a devastating knee injury. The team, town, and state are stunned, and immediatly all expectations for Permian get lowered.

The team does not let it stop them. The back up running back steps up to a level some consider to be higher than what Booby was playing at before. The team ends up in a three way tie for the two playoff spots. They have a coin flip to see who will go to playoffs and Permian wins it they make the playoffs. Once its playoff time Permian plays on a whole new level. They begin dominating teams left and right and it seems as if they can't be stopped. They finally make it to the state championship and play against the unstopable Dalles Carter. Most beileve Permian has no shot at winning the title. However, Permian refuses to beileve it they keep fighting and fighting. In the end Permian loses by one touchdown, but everyone in the town relizes they gave everything they had and oddly for Odessa they embrace them in there loss.

The title is straight forward on fridays the Permian Panthers play football under the lights.
1. Are all the facts true is there any exageration in the intensity of the town?
2.Do they really charter flights to games?
3. Were the players ever recruited from other areas?
The book Between a Rock and a Hard Place is a great book. I love it, especially because it is adventurous book. I dont normally read books but this one made me want to read it. This book made me think of my uncle, who also rock climbed. Between a Rock and a Hard Place made me think that i can challenge anything that i put my life to, even if it means i have to amputate my right arm.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place is about a guy named John Griffith. He is such an adventurous guy. He hikes, climbs, bikes and much much more. Griffith took 3-5 day long climbing trips. He adores the thrill of climbing and pushing his body to the limits. This all came to an end.
John was on a trip to Blue John Canyon to climb the canyon. He figured this was a regular trip like always until he forgets to tell someone where he is going and when he will be back. So if you think about it no one knows where he is at or where he will be. Griffith gets about 8 hours into his climb when all of a suddon a 800lbs boulder falls on his right arm and there is nothing he can do but yell. He doesnt want to yell because it will take away his energy so he just waits there and hopes someone walks by. Just before he looses all hopes he decides to make a decision of his life and cuts off his right arm so that he can get free. He still has to escape the Blue John Canyon with only one arm.

Some questions i would ask are:
1. What would have happened if John did stay at the boulder? I would ask this question because i would like to have known another tactic he could've used to get save himself.
2. Where is John Griffith now? I ask this question because i would like to meet John and see how he is doing with only one arm.


"The Book of Luke"- Jenny O'Connell


Eragon is a fictional book about a boy who is magically sent a dragon egg while he was hunting for a deer in "the spine".

 I chose this book because I was intrigued  by the feedback from friends that had read it. I was hooked on this book because it was written when the Author was 14.

The book all started with a boy named Eragon who found a large blue egg sent to him by an elf. After meeting up with an old man named Brom Eragon finds that the egg is really a dragon egg.  Next Eragon finds himself face to face with a terrible creature called the Razac. He then decides to attack a shade "evil magician" named Durza who has captured the elf. Then he meets up with the rebel force called the Varden. An epic  battle begins and Eragon uses magic and his dragon to win the battle and kill the shade.

The significance of the title is that it is the main characters name.

The three questions I would ask the author would be how does the elf know who to send the egg to because it doesn't explain how she new very well, are there other worlds beyond Aligasia "the homeland of Eragon" I would ask this question because it would be interesting to find out how they all got on this big "island", and last but not least are there different kinds of dragons or are they the same because I it doesn't explain it just says "dragon".

-Jordan Blondino

Read by Seth Childers

Genre: Fiction

The first time I heard of "I am Legend" was when I saw previews for it in theaters. I thought that the clip I got a glimpse of was full of action and the kind of movie I LOVE! Well when I went and saw the actual movie, I was surprised. It turns out that the movie was a thriller in which had some slightly scary stuff in it. Well I went to see it unprepared to see zombie like humans that were after the main character and his dog. I FLIPPED when I saw the creepy humans for the first time. Well in the end I loved the movie and watched it time and time again. Later, I found out that the movie was based off of a book. When we had to pick a book for a report, I was all for pleasure reading as homework.

Survival is everything. That is the only thing passing through your head when you are the last man on earth. Robert Neville is the only known survivor of a terrible disease that has wiped out earths population of humans. For some reason, Robert is immune to the bacteria that has spread and infected everyone. This bacteria kills its host over a few weeks and leaves them dead, for a while. Even though they may be dead, the host or in this case the humans are still very much alive. They become blood thirsty zombies once infected long enough, dead or alive, which we know as vampires. Robert must keep safe during the night and kill them as they sleep during the day. Along with the struggle to keep himself safe, he must deal with the sad life he is trying so hard to protect. The pain of living alone without a companion for 3 years takes a tole on him and he has to cope with it. He does so by passing the time drinking and losing himself in his own drunken world. The anguish that comes with being the last one of his kind is hard, especially with knowing the sad fact that he would never find anyone else alive, or would he?

I am Legend. Those words alone could tell so many different stories. The story they pertain to brings out much significance in this title. Robert Neville was the last human ever to live. He survived 3 years after the extinction of his kind and into the revolution of a new dominant species. This new species was Vampires. The great accomplishments of surviving and fighting for so long show his bravery and courage. His life was a continuous battle. He is a hero, and this book is his Legend.

If I could ask the author three questions they would be:
1. In the last scene of the book when Robert and Ruth are talking, had Ruth really changed, or was it all show? I would ask this because Ruth was infected with the disease and tricked Robert earlier in the book, but she said that she was telling the truth this time and I couldn't tell if she had become one of "them" or not.

2. Since they found a way to control the bacteria, and Robert had no reason to kill them anymore, then why did they still fear him and kill him? I think that they should have let him live in the end if he made a vow not to kill them anymore, and I was curious as to why he had to die.

3. How did the dog become infected after surviving for so long? In the story a dog had come by Roberts house after a year of total elimination of all true life, but one day came by infected and slowly started to die. I don't understand how it avoided getting it all that time, and then all of a sudden was infected.

Life, The Universe, And Everything By: Douglas Adams

I just enjoy fiction it is pretty much all I read. I chose this book because the first two in the series where really awesome books and full of comedy. So since I like the first two I desided to read the third. And I liked this book even more then the others. I was funny and kept me reading because I just had to know what happened next.

Okay my book starts out with Arthur Dent (main character) trapped on prehistoric earth. After pondering day after day, his old friend Ford Perfect finds him. As he and ford go all over the universe traveling through time on a strange couch the mead up with old friends Zaf Beeblebrox and his girlfriend Trillian who is trying to get Zaf out of a deep state of depression. But still with all four of them traveling together making new friends they still seem to end up in the same old situation. Running from the bad guys and trying to find the answer.

The significance of the Title. The title of this book pretty much sets the tone and everything about the book. In the book the gang try to find the answer to life the universe and everything. Do to the first one they didn't find the answer to the meaning of life.

If I could ask the author Any three questions they would most likely be
  1. What where you thinking when you wrote this book. WHY: Because I want to know if this guy is crazy.
  2. Why is Arthur still wearing is bath robe wouldn't he have changed at a store or something on another planet. WHY: Because Arthur has been where those cloths for like a couple years now. He was wearing it in the first and second book to.
  3. How Zaf get his second head back didn't it get chopped of in the first book. WHY: Because this just doesn't make sense that he has it again all of a sudden. When did he get it back.


Eclipse by Elise Skeens

Eclipse is the third book in the Twilight series written by Stephanie Meyer. This is a fictional and fantasy book. I chose this book because I was not very far along in it when the school year started and I had already read the other two, Twilight and New Moon. They have become my favorite books which would make it a enjoyable book to choose.

Eclipse takes place in the small town of Forks Washington. It is a love story between a mortal girl, Isabella Swan and her love for Edward Cullen who happens to be a vampire. There are many challenges for the both of them to overcome such as Edward being attracted to Bella's sent and resisting the temptation her blood gives off. Bella is put in many dangerous situations to stay with Edward. In Twilight she had to face almost dying by a vampire eating her, although the Cullen family pulls through for her and kills the attacker James. New Moon was mostly based on Edward knowing he's taking Bella away from everything human in her life and he chooses to leave her for her own good. Although he was falsely told that Bella attempted to kill herself for him, although she was deeply in love with him and was in a zombie like stage when Edward left her. So Edward learned that him leaving only made things worse for the love of his life. The main event that takes place in Eclipse is that the lover of James wanted revenge on Edward for killing him, so she wants to kill Bella. Another event in this story is that Bella wants to be a part of the Cullen family. Not by marrage, but by becoming a vampire. Although Edward loves her too much to take her away from humanity. The only compromise they come to is that Edward will change her, if she promises to be his wife, which is what Bella has dreaded since she was a little girl.

The signifigance to the title is that it had "atmosphere". Meyer said that it is not perfect, but she doesn't believe there is a perfect name to give to this book. In other countries there have been other titles such as "Bite", "Blood Tastes Sadness" or "Until Dawn". Stephanie Meyer goes into great detail in her writing. She has a very creative mind. Although there a couple things that puzzle me. Such as, I don't understand how Edward could get an erection if he does not have flowing blood.

E.A.R.L. The autobiography of DMX

E.A.R.L. is the autobiogaphy of DMX. I chose this book because I am a fan of DMX and it was recommended by my mom. I was interested in this book initially because of the rumors of his rough childhood and I wanted to find out the truth through the words of DMX.
The autobiography of DMX is about the trials and tributes that DMX went through during his life, while trying to become an artist. Earl (DMX) started out his life in a rough neighborhood with a tough mom who rarely gave Earl the love and nurture that every child needs. After traveling from boarding school to boarding school DMX began to feel like he didn't belong anywhere but everyone knew who was in charge. Once DMX started to freestyle he became the king where ever he traveled. As a child Earl started to give a house to the stray dogs of his neighborhood. The dog's soon became his family. E.A.R.L. is a great book that i know anyone who is a fan of DMX or just looking for a great lifestory to read should defintily pick this book.
The signifigance of the title of this book is that Earl is his name.
If I could ask the author three questions I would ask him:
1)Did you meet DMX through the music industry?
I would ask this question because DMX is in the music industry and Smokey D. Fontaine was previously a member of the same industry.
2)What inspired you to write an autobiography on DMX? Or did he come to you?
I would ask this question because I would like to find out who and what inspired this book.
3)Has your opinion about DMX changed since you wrote this book?
I am asking this question because sometimes peoples opinions on other people change when you get to know them better.
Cellina Powers

Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper, Sandra Campos

Tears of a Tiger is a fiction book. I chose to read this book because it is based on the reality that teenage kids live eachday. By the first page that i read i was hooked, the way it was written had alot to do with it. This book is about High school Basketball athletes involved in a drinking and driving accident. Team leader Robert Washignton (Robbie) was stuck in the car after the accident and soon was being watched by his friends burning to death. The community was very sad about the tragity especailly is very good friend Andrew Jackson (Andy). As the book goes on is explains how Andy finds guilt of Robbie's death, his changed emotions and how he tries to overcome his depression of losing his whats so called "brother." Tears of a Tiger is a book that you will not be able to put down until you are done! If i could ask the auther Sharon Draper I would ask,
How she came up with the format she wrote the book?

Love*Com- Lovely*Complex

Blog by Jessica Schneider
This book's genre is Fiction.

I chose the book because I like anime that has to do with comedy romance. Love*Com is funny and has some love mixed in it.

Love*Com is about how a really the tallest girl in school, Risa Koizumi, has a friend who is the shortest guy in school, Atsushi Otani. However, the argue a lot of the time. Their classmates try to get them to get together. But they keep refusing because he is too short and she is too tall.

When they team up to get the people they fall for is when things get a little out of hand. They end up spending more time than they would usually want to and people are starting to get different ideas about them.

I don't really understand the title of the series, Love*Com, but I think the title of the volume, Lovely*Complex, fit perfectly. The reason I think this is because Koizumi and Otani's situation just get more and more complex, yet lovely at the same time.

Three questions I would ask the author would be....

1. Where did you get the idea for the book?

I'd ask this because it is very interesting to know where people come up with great storylines.

2. What part of Japan does the schhol take place? Is the school based on a real school in Japan?

It is always interesting to know whether settings like a school are actally based on the real thing because you could visit and think back to the book.

Crank By Ellen Hopkins

The book Crank is a non-fiction book dealing with the life of Ellen Hopkin's daughter. this book as alot of life drama that really happens in the world like drug and relationship those are some of the stuff that happens in the book. When you look at this book you think of a drug and wonder what happens to the people in the book.

Kirstina is a girl a junior in high school were shes smart at everything but lives a quit world sicne she onlty really has one friend. During the summer she goes to see her long lost dad she thinks is the prince of albuquerque well that what she believe. when she gets there she relieved her dad the "prince"all just ended up to be a bowling allie druggie.

Harry Potter: J-K Rowling:Fiction Malik

The reason i chose this book is because of how interesting the book sounds and all the action and thrilling the book contains. What made me interested in the book was the story behind the book. The story sound's very tense and would have you on the edge of your seat. This book is mostly about wich craft and wizerdrie. The book takes place at a magical school called hogworts. This school is for young and old wizards. Hogwarts is a very old school with lots and lots of old artifacts, and interesting storys about this fasinating school. Tons of kids come to this school from all around the world trying to learn to become a very wise wizard and master everything that there is to be . Kids like Harry, Ronald, and Hermine are all students at Howgwarts school waiting to be tought all the skills needed to become a wise and powerful wizard. These three kids have no idea who the others are. But they meet on the train heading to Hogwarts school and they become great friends on the train. Harry Potter is a very very very popular student at Hogwats. Harry is very popular at this school because of the scar he has on his forhead. This scar was given to him by a very very bad and powerful wizard. His name we do not speek of =O. Harry is the only person to ever not die by this very bad and dangerous wizard. Then harry and his two new friends get used to the school you know the the ocasional dinners in the dineing hall. But then these three kids find this stone. This stone changes the whole moral of the story. This stone grants the power to do anything you want like ultimate power over anyone. And the wizard of who we do not speek of wants the stone. So long story short harry and his friends save the day and have this huge fight with him and they save the wizard world from getting DESTROID for ever.

Kayla's Book

Realistic Fiction
I choose to read this book because I was very interested in the theology behind it. It's based off of the book Revelations from the Bible and the predicted Tribulation period. Also this is the fourth book in the Left Behind series that I had already been reading.
This book takes place primarily in the third year of the Tribulation. The Wrath of the Lamb, a destructive world wide earthquake struck earth and millions are dead. The Characters despertally try to find their loved ones and clinging onto their faith.
Their biggest problem is the government. The entire world has become completly under the control of the Antichrist, who wants to see all Christians dead. The world continues to become an increasingly dangerous place for the Christian characters who find that they can relay on nothing but God himself.
The title Soul Harvest has a simple but significant meaning. Durring the Tribulation hundreds of millions will become Christians and devoute their lives to serving God. Or dedicate their souls for God's purpose. The characters in the book work hard to get the gospel known to all so that they can also serve the Lord. They joke that they are "harvesting souls" for the Lord.
I would ask the author if he could point out exactly where in the Bible he did most of research from and explain some the theology in the book. Because I think that the theology is the most important part because it pertains some to my life and I would like to understand.
I would also ask the author why he decided to write the book. I would enjoy knowing his reasons for publishing fiction book based on what the Bible says.
Another question I would ask is how much of the story is strictly Biblical based and how much is made up in order to make it into a detailed story. This would be very interesting and It would give me a better consept of the Tribulation to come.
By: Kayla Yraceburu