Monday, January 12, 2009

The Au Pairs Sun-Kissed

The Au Pairs:
Sun Kissed
By: Mellisa De la Cruz

1. Sun Kissed is a fiction book.
2. I chose to read this book because it is part of a series and it is the 3rd book out of 4. I started reading them this summer when we went on vacation and I needed something to read on the plane and by the beach so I decided to read these.
3. Sun Kissed is about 3 girls, in the first book they met each other at their job. They all used to be Au pairs for a rich family that lives in the Hampton's. Well since two summers ago they have gone their separate ways but still work in New York Hampton area. Mara is working for the Hampton Magazine, she is living with her boy friend on a yacht. (Her boy friend is the brother of the kids she nannied for). She is having fun but seems to have a lot of competition with other girls wanting Ryan her boyfriend. Jacqui is still working for the Perry's still and watching the kids. What she doesn't know is that she is getting another girl to help her which is good in the end because they have to save her bosses marriage and the new girl Shannon helps her with that. Also Jacqui meets these 3 really hot and nice guys that live next to the Perry house. She doesn't know what to do because she doesn't know what guy she likes and all three of them like her. Eliza is working for a fashion company and living at home with her parents still. She has a boy friend Jeremy but she has to question him if he actually loves her. Right after she started her internship she gets fired because of something she did and her parents cancel her credit card so she has to find somewhere else to live. While all this is going on the girls still have time to hang out together and have decisions to make on where they are going to go to college or if they have to do a 5Th year of high school...
4. The title looks like it is a good book to read in the sun on the beach or on the boat. Also the first book of the series was appealing to me because the cover is colorful and looked like a good book.
5. The 3 questions I would ask the author are
1- Did you have personal experiences with these types of situations?
2- Do you have plans of writing more books for the series?
3- Would you ever consider making it a movie?
By: Ashley Gjerswold

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Don't forget you need to explain WHY you asked the author the three questions you did.