Thursday, November 6, 2008

The A- List

The A-List by: Zoey Dean

Ashley Gjerswold

1. The A-List is a Fiction book with a lot of drama in it, I am sure it can be true for some people, but not most.

2. I chose this book because it looked like a good "girly" book. I read the back of it and I am into the books with the rich girls who have everything they want and act really bratty. Another reason I chose this book was because it caught my eye by the cover. Even though the cover is white it still looked like a great book.


Sam- The size 16 rich girl who thinks she can get what ever she wants. Until that is the night of her fathers wedding when she thought the guy she hadn't seen forever was coming single to the wedding hoping she could do something with him. He shows up with a size 0 pretty girl...

Ben- The Prinstin Rich, Hot fratt boy. He is flying home from college for Chrsitmas break and a family friends wedding. On the plane he hooks up with Anna, he invites her to this wedding as his date... That is when everything gets confusing...

Anna- The New York, perfect grade prep school girl with is flying out to live with her dad in LA for an internship... That is until she meets Ben, that is when she gets the feel for how rich snotty girls act... she thinks Ben is the right one for her... that is until Cammie, Sam and Dee enter.
Cammie, Sam and Dee are the A-List girls and no one can take that away from them... except Anna.

4. The significance of the book title is, the A- List is girls who look good, are rich and have the top desinger clothes, and go to a Prep school. The title of this book pretty much explains the whole book. All the girls in here are A List girls.

-Why did you choose to write this book?
- Why did you title this book the A-List?
- Were/ are you an A List girl or did/ do you want to be an A list girl?
I chose to ask these three questions because they are questions I wondered through out this whole book. Also someone who put this much detail into a book either, had a personal experince or is a really good writer.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Your questions tell me that you really thought about what you read, although the book seemed a bit "shallow."

Pink font was hard to read.
