Monday, November 10, 2008

Among the Free by Nathan

among the free by: Haddix

This science fiction book called among the free by, Margaret Peterson Haddix. I was to be intrigued by this book because it read a title sort of like the other book i read anthem by Ayn rand. the picture on the top of the book reminded me of a show i saw on national geograpics about Hitler and the German Nazis crowd and Hitlers speeches. This is about a kid named Luke who is a third child and at the time you were only allowed to have two kids so he was kicked out to work for the population police. Luke's job at the population police is to tell every one that they have to get new identity cards. When he was telling every body he had to go into there house. When he approached the house he broke the door down and told the old lady then she said "NO" so the commanding officer told him to shoot her. Half way in the middle of his order to shoot her he drops the gun and runs to safety... Among the free show this story by showing the part of the book when he is free with the civilians that revolt agaist the population police showing that a grope is more powerfull then one person alone. A few questions i would ask about the book are, what happend after he teamed up with the rebels and revolted?. Also did this story pertain to the Nazis or Hitlers army in an way? was it supposed to?, and what was the significance of the kid who ran away after Luke?

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Don't forget conventions...caps and titles need to be underlined...paragraphs... capitalize proper names...

What is the significance of the title?