Monday, November 10, 2008

Crank by Ellen Hopkins(Lilinoe Warren)

The book Crank by Ellen Hopkins is a non-fiction novel about her daughters life while living in Albuquerque New Mexico. This book is a really easy to read if u wanna get it down fast. you really get in to the book. I choose this book because it looked like it would deal with peoples lives and love problems. Also when i choose this book in the back of the book it says were life and it kinda has to do with mine so i thought it was going to be good and it was!!

Kristina never talks to her father that lives in New Mexico till she finally gets to go to her dad apartment were she thinks her dads the Prince of Albuquerque. but finds out hes just a part time worker at a Bowling Allie. will shes on her stay in New Mexico she meets a guy that shows her things she didn't know it existed in life like Crank. Its a drug that she calls is a montser makes her turns in to a person called bree. she believes bree is a cooler person then Kristina.
Kristina had to return home to her mom were she tryed hanging ut with her friend but reliezed that she wasnt cool just because she doesnt wanna do drugs. so bree choice new ones for kristina ones that are cool and wanna do crank.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Lilli, you need to be sure to edit. It's really hard to read writing that has mistakes in it.

Three questions for the author?

Significance of the title?

THese are actually fictional books although they are based on a true story.