Friday, November 7, 2008

Brisingr, by Michael Yater

This book is 3rd in the Inheritance cycle. This series is composed of four books about a young farm boy named Eragon from the town of Carvahall in the land of Alegasia. He is out hunting one night and he finds a stone. This is a very mysterious stone because it literally appeared out of nowhere in front of Eragon. The stone is perfectly smooth and is a bright blue color. After trying to sell the stone, Eragon is in bed and the stone breaks and a dragon comes out of it. It wasn't a stone after all! It was a dragon egg! This changes Eragons life and the lives of everyone in Alegasia forever. From this moment Eragon is thrown into a world that is torn by war and conflict. He makes both friends and enemies. And he and Saphire, thats his dragons name, Are the only hope for Alegasia and its people because they are the only free dragon and dragon rider in Alegasia.

This is a fantasy book full of magic and adverture. Even a little romance.

I choose this book because I had started the series and this book just came out. I had been waiting about a year for Brisingr to come out because the second book ended in a way that left you wondering what will happen next. I love it when books do that. But only if there part of a series, and theres another book after it. I've always loved fantasy and adventure books so this series was an obvies choice. It has everything i love in a book in it. I would definatly suggest this series to anyone that loves fantasy and adventure. Just dont start in the middle of the series!

The name "Brisingr" ,which is the name of the book, is extremly significant to the story. I wont go into to much detail because I dont want to ruin the book but I will say this. "Brisingr" is the word for "fire" in the ancient languege. It is the first spell Eragon cast and it has saved his life numerous times. There is one other thing that I will not mention that is in the third book that is extremly important.

There are alot of questions that need answered but I know that they will all be answered in book four so im not impatiant about asking questions.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Need photo.

Don't forget to edit! Arrugh!
