Thursday, January 15, 2009

Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights, written by the famous H.G. Bissinger, is an inspirational story to all. Novels that draw my attention are ones that show true ambitions and everyone trying together to achieve those dreams. In life, nothing is ever handed to you whether it be sports or school. Bissinger did an excellent job of making that point true. Not once was there any slack or laziness because they knew that their Coach was about pushing everyone to their fullest amount of effort. Through the book, he began to love these guys as if they were his own. Never knowing how attached Coach was going to be, he began to believe in them. From the team where not a lot of them had much in life, football was their world. Once they saw that their Coach believed in them, nothing could stop them now. Having something like faith in life can get people so much more farther and that is why I believe that this novel is perfect for anyone who has aspirations of their own.

Throughout Friday Night Lights, the readers become attached to the characters, especially the quarterback. He was paralyzed from the waist down at the beginning of the season. Becoming so close with the book, tears filled in your eyes as you are imagining this guy who is playing his senior year of football, looking forward to his dreams of becoming a phenomenal player, and then having them crushed because of a hard hit. This is an obstacle in life that you overcome, but once it happens, it feels like life is taken away from you. That is how he felt. Bissinger made this true. He made you feel through his emotions, his triumphs, but most importantly, he led to through his life and how he always was a positive role model to all of the guys on the team. Think of everyone on your team. You know that one person that everyone looks up to? Or run to because they make you feel better? Well this is him. And his way of showing it is just mind blowing.

Why did you feel that it was important to write this?

I would ask this because I feel like it was such a great thing for him to write the creative and inspiring novel because a lot of people need that extra little push in life to get them through the game.

Have you ever been through an experience like this hopeful quarterback?

I would ask Bissinger this because as I read the story, I felt like I knew each character as if I was their friend. Only in a few books that I have read was it like that, but more so on this book because I could relate.

Last, were you a role model at one point in your life?

I feel like it is extremely important to have a role model in your life, or someone that you look up to because it sets a goal. In life, more times then not, you have a goal that you want to achieve. Friday Night Lights is the most obvious and perfect example.

This story was a phenomenal example of leadership, adversity, but most importantly, heart. Every athlete knows that having these three things are the keys to a successful carrer. Always having your head up and knowing where your life is going was pin pointed throughout this novel in the up most respected way. I would recommend this to anyone who needs that extra shove in their life. It will help tremendously.


CHS Independent Reading said...


CHS Independent Reading said...

20/20- did you not hand in your analysis, reader response or songs?