Thursday, January 15, 2009

Loveless 8 By Hannah Sanders

Loveless is about a 12 year old boy named Ritsuka who’s personality from when he was born to age 10 was erased from his body a different personality came in known as the “current Ritsuka”. When he was at age ten a traumatic event happened in his life of which will change his life forever, his brother was murdered. After his brother was dead; Ritsuka switched personalities; and his mother got worse with her verbal and physical abuse. She claims that she wants both of her children back that they have both died. But poor Ritsuka without his brother unfortunately no one will stop his mother from beating him. Ritsuka doesn’t blame her though; he thinks it’s his “sin” that he switched personalities and should pay the punishment. He just switched schools and met a girl name Yuiko, they became friends but not very close ones. One day while Ritsuka was at school someone waited outside for him. Soubi. He came to tell Ritsuka of this whole other side of reality. But soon Ritsuka figures out Soubi were Seimei’s fighter unit and he was to battle unknown opponents. He was bewildered with this new side of his life. What is to come upon Ritsuka, what will he do once he finds his brother’s will? Read Loveless Vol. 1 to find out.
I’m doing my blog and playlist on the 8th book in the Loveless series and in this book Ritsuka and Soubi are at the Seven Voices Academy having a word battle against Seimei’s fighter unit. In book 7 you find out that Seimei is actually alive and in the beginning of the 8th he says what he did, murdered another person to take his place so everyone thought he was dead. Then the two brothers met like fate, they talked and Seimei questioned Ritsuka’s love and Ritsuka questioned Seimei’s well being. Seimei made an escape and used Soubi to do so, Soubi betrayed Ritsuka in the end for letting Seimei escape but Ritsuka forgave him. Then that new years eve they walked under the stars and talked about udon noodles.

Every fighter unit has one sacrifice; they are destined to be together for life. They fight side by side, sacrifice taking the attack from the opposing side and the fighter units to battle in a fight of spells. They fight until the sacrifice is completely bound and can’t move from so much pain. Then they go about their separate lives.
3 Questions

1. How long did it take you to figure out the story of Loveless?
I'm curious because some manga writers it takes years just figuring out the story then another year or so figuring out the names and what each character looks like and their personality traits.
2. How long does it usually take you to complete one manga?
I've noticed that this author takes about 3-8 months creating one manga. But I want to know exactly.
3. Do you enjoy your job?
I want to become a manga artist and story writer some day. I enjoy drawing manga very much and am working on two stories of my own.

Loveless 8 Soundtrack

Chapter. 9- Where I stood by Missy Higgins- I chose this song because in this chapter, Soubi didn’t know who he was, he was a blank fighter unit. He could be given to anyone just to use for a temporary replacement. “I don’t know who I am, who I am. All I know is that I should” He thought that the world was “black and white” either a fighter unit or a sacrifice not a blank fighter. He thought he was unloved like he didn’t belong to anyone.

Chapter. 10 Your love is a lie By Simple Plan- Soubi felt like no one loved him, truth is that no one did. Not his sensei or his sacrifice Seimei. But he doesn’t find that out until he talked to Seimei, “your love is just a lie” he realized that his sensei gave him away, his love was a lie.

Chapter 11 scars by papa roach- Ritsu-sensei got gouged in the eyes by Seimei and let his guard down. A line from the song, “I’m pissed cause you came around Why don’t you just go home cause you can’t hold all your pain and I can’t help you fix yourself” That’s basically what Ritsu was saying but Seimei couldn’t hold his rage so he gouged Ritsu’s eyes.

Chapter 12 Hello by evanescence- Ritsuka saw the words on the wall in blood saying, “Ritsuka I’m back” which made him think his brother might be alive. A line from the song, “soon I’ll wake from this dream” He couldn’t believe it would be Seimei but he couldn’t deny it. Another line, “hello I’m the lie living for you so you can hide” His brother lied to him, he was suppose to be dead but he was still living.

Chapter 13 it’s the fear by within temptation- “It’s the fear, fear of the dark that’s growing inside of me…” Yoji and Natsuo were feeling, “cold” from Seimei’s presence and describe him as “too dark”. “There is no escaping because my fate is part of doom” Yoji and Natsuo were feeling “It’s as if his presence is erasing my presence!” They feel as if Seimei’s presence is going to make them feel horrible, cold, pressured, forced.

Chapter 14 be my escape by Relient K. – “And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity” Ritsuka’s been questioning if Seimei was really dead or alive. He was insecure and doubting his brother. “And all I was trying to do was save my own skin but so were you” Seimei made everyone believe he was dead because we was to be murdered himself. And Ritsuka switched personalities from the trauma.

Chapter 15 Disturbia by Rihanna- “A disease of the mind It can control you It’s too close for comfort” Seimei controls people with words he commands. Ritsuka is being sucked in and Soubi can’t save him. Because of Seimei’s control over everyone. “Ain’t gonna play nice Watch out, you might just go under Better think twice Your train of thought will be altered” Ritsuka is consumed with emotions over Seimei, and Seimei is taking advantage of him. He is making Ritsuka say whether he loves him for who he is and not what he’s done. Ritsuka faltered and Seimei twisted his little brother’s words around.

Chapter 16 reclusion by amberlin- “You’re sick, sick as all the Secrets that you deny” Seimei is lying to Ritsuka. “You’re suffocating me, so very hard to breathe” Seimei tells Ritsuka his definition of love and is telling him that if Ritsuka doesn’t love him, he’ll leave forever. Seimei is, “Sick”.

Chapter 17 the runaways by amberlin- When Ritsuka gave Seimei his answer about his opinion of love “You only stand to break my heart, I can tell it by the way you runaway.” So Seimei turned mean because Ritsuka said he was angry at him.

Chapter 18 leave out all the rest by Linkin Park- “You were so scared but no one would listen cause no one else cared” Soubi was torn between two people. Ritsuka and Seimei and didn’t know whom to be loyal to. “I woke with this fear what am I leaving when I’m done here.” Soubi has to think of what he did and if it’s really what he wanted and to leave in the memories of his past and present. “I’m strong on the surface not all the way through I’ve never been perfect” Soubi caved when Seimei ordered him to break down the window, but he didn’t want to do it. He betrayed Ritsuka, he would never mean to but he couldn’t help it.

Chapter 19 can’t stop falling in love with you by A*Teens- “I just can’t help falling in love with you” Yuiko and Shinomi-sensei can’t help falling in love and worrying about Ritsuka (Yuiko) and Soubi (Shinomi). They think about those boys’ day in and day out.

Chapter 20 stand by rascal flats- “Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you’re made of you might bend, till you break cause it’s all you can take” In the end Soubi and Ritsuka are there for each other no matter what looking at the stars in the middle of the night on new years eve. They’ve been tested but know no boundaries of their friendship they have with each other.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Hannah- I'm not sure if the first part of your blog post is your analysis or extra credit? If it is your analysis, you were suppose to address the setting, conflict and your opinion of the book.