I chose the book snitch because one i was over winter break and i wanted something easy to read. But it wasnt just cause of that. when i read the back of the book i related to alot. I know what its like to be snitched on. The book snitch is a fiction book. It was not based on a true story although stuff that happened in the book happens all the time in real life. Kids fight, kids get caught then they either do time or do community service. And thats what josh did. he got into a fight with another student and was sent to court. the judge gave him two choices either jail or go to the humane society. josh chose to go to the society. He was to teach dogs to be well mannored, as well as himself. He completed the course. and was able to change his life around.
what made you write a book about this kind of topic?
i really liked this book. so would you ever write the same book but make it longer? I just thought that it was a little to short
1 comment:
Tanner- This is an ENGLISH project, you need to capitalize proper nouns, underline book titles and capitalize the first word of a sentence. Words, or partial words, such as "cause" are not acceptable.
You also need to explain the significance of the book.
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