Sunday, November 9, 2008

Born to Rock By Greg Wandro

The genre of Born to Rock By Gordon Korman is non-fiction

The review that Mrs. Napp gave on the book was that the book was funny, and the plot seemed interesting. A young Republican must get along with the angriest punk group in history in order to have a successful future. There was also an award for the book, so others would agree that Born to Rock is a good book.

The story takes place in modern times Connecticut, where a boy named Leo is in his senior year of high school, with a full scholarship to Harvard.  That's when his best friend since he was little, Melinda, asks him to tutor her friend Owen.  Leo spends hours tutoring Owen for the math test that is coming up.  Though when taking the math test Leo realizes that Owen forgot everything! Leo whispers a helper word to Owen and is sent to the vice-principal's office.  That is when Leo is faced with an ultimatum.  To say that Owen was cheating, and have Owen take the blame, or for Leo to not say anything and get the blame himself. The vice- principle wants Leo to turn Owen in just because Owen is gay, and that is why vice-principal wants Leo to blame Owen.  

Leo doesn't blame Owen and now has a mark on his permanent record for cheating.  Harvard does not give scholarships to cheaters, and Leo is no exception, though he is allowed to attend Harvard if he can pay for it.  With his scholarship taken away Leo must find a way to get the money for school.  That's when his parents tell him that his real father is punk rock singer King Maggot.  Eventually Leo gets to meet King Maggot and tells him the story of how he is his real father.  Now Leo must be a roadie on Purge's (King Maggot's band) reunion tour.  Can Leo last a whole summer of grunt work in order for King Maggot to pay for Harvard? Read the book to find out.

The significance of the title Born to Rock is to show that Leo was raised as a Young Republican type of kid, but he was really born to rock, because his genes are filled with rocker blood.

If I could ask the author three questions I would ask are
1) Since Leo had more to lose than Owen from cheating, then why didn't he blame Owen?
2) Why did Leo's parents wait so long to tell him that his father was King Maggot? Why not sooner?
3) What inspired you to write Born to Rock?

The first question I have is because if Leo had put the blame on Owen then Owen would lose his partial scholarship to UConn at worst.  The second question is why did Leo's parents wait until the end of senior year to tell him who his real father is? Could they just not find a better time to tell him?  The third question is self explanatory, because i would have never thought of the theme for a book that Gordon Korman did.


CHS Independent Reading said...

Greg is KOOL!!!!

CHS Independent Reading said...

I was actually turned off by the book, seemed to predictable and purposefully quirky, but you did a great job of summarizing the book and giving it some validity.

Be sure to edit!


CHS Independent Reading said...

Hello Gregory Wandro

CHS Independent Reading said...

Dont be upset because you didnt do as well as Cameron. Not everyone can be that talented

Justin B. said...

thats not how you spell "cool"
From Justin