The genre of the book New Moon is fantasy-romance.
I chose to read the book New Moon because I had read the first book Twilight and really liked it. Also because I had many friends who had bugged me to read the book for a long time. (Yes Jessica I'm talking about you.)
In a little town called Forks, Washington nothing exciting every happens... Unless you are Bella Swan. She has to deal with the love of her life Edward Cullen (who is really a vampire) leaving her, and mysterious changes with her best friend Jacob Black. Does Bella ever see Edward again? What is really happening to Jacob? To find out you have to sit yourself down and read this book!
Like all of the books in the Twilight Series the title, New Moon, has great significance. The quote from the book that show the significance is, "Not tonight. Tonight the sky was utterly black. Perhaps there was no moon tonight-a lunar eclipse, a new moon" (pg. 74). A new moon is the darkest kind of night there is. The title is about the darkest time in Bella's life, Edward leaving.
If I had a chance to ask Stephenie Meyer 3 questions I would ask her these.
1.) Why did Edward and the Cullens have to leave?
2.) Some people say I look like Bella, do you agree?
3.) Did you ever expect the Twilight Series to be such a big hit?
1 comment:
So I've now read about 13 or so Stephanie Meyer reviews, yours was refreshing, simple and had few grammar mistakes.
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