This book is called “Brisingr” it is the third book of the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, this follows the two other books, Eragon and Eldest. The genre of this book is a fantasy. The reason why I chose this book is because Eragon was given a few awards when it was released. So then I went on and read the back of the book and got really interested. I read Eragon and eldest, and decided that this would be a good time to get back into the series for this book project.
The book “Brisingr” is basically about how Eragon and his cousin, Roran are brought back together. They finally destroy the Ra’zac, which was one of the overall missions for Eragon and Roran because they were the ones responsible for killing Garrow, Roran’s father, and kidnapping Katrina. Then go on to let Ronan to finally get to marry Katrina. After that they go back to the Varden, a rebel group that despises the king, and plan to destroy all of the evil things the king has done, and remove him from power.
In January of 2008 it was stated that the title of the third book of the inheritance series was to be called “Brisingr”. Brisingr was the first word in the ancient language to be said by Eragon and also it means more than even what Eragon could have known. The word Brisingr means “fire” used by the magic users to summon fire and use it in combat and to do things such as cook.Fans thought that it may have more importance than being the name of the book and may be the true name of Eragon since the first two books names are closely related to the major characters that are in them. The book cover has the picture of the gold dragon, Glaedr, looking to the right.
Are Eragon and Saphira going to live through the entire series of inheritance?
I am really interested if they are going to be able to live through another book? Because it wouldn’t completely destroy the story if Saphira dies, because Eragon would have to go down the same path is main enemy, Galbixtorixs, had to go down.
Are you going to make the “Ancient Language” fully functional and otherwise a complete language itself?
I would think it would be cool to make up a complete language on your own, and I was just wandering if he will, or has yet.
When is the last book going to be released?
I ask this because I can’t wait to continue the story, and understand how they truly wrap up the story. There are so many unanswered questions.
Summary by: Alan Hartquist
Underline book titles. Don't forget to edit!
Dont be too upset because you cant measure up to cameron's 50/50
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