Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sade Allen book project

Genre: Fiction

I chose this book because I have an interest for weather stories for example thing that happen to people after tornadoes hit.so when I heard of all the things that happen in the book, with earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. It caught my attention.

The basic thing that happens in the book is the moon is hit by a meteor.Everyone excited until they realize that the moon is coming closer to the earth and then all hell brakes loose. The main character Miranda and her Family are forced to survive the best they can. Their survival was left to a giant food supply and a wood stove. Miranda had many things she love that had to disappear along with the electricity. Her school wasn't able to sustain it's self and had to loose power, teacher, school lunch, and more than half of the student body. toward the end almost every had lost hope but then suddenly they start getting more and more power. which give's our high school teenager a new begin in the end.

the titles Significance is life as it once was is what it's suppose to mean. After all the bad things happened in the book.

The Questions I have for the author is What inspired you to write this? What did you think after you publish the book? do you have any connections with any of the character, if so what?

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Why did you choose to pick the questions you did?

Don't forget to edit!
