I choose this book because it is a fictional muder story. This book interested me because just in the prolouge it talks about the main character having a supposed brain tumor. In reality it wasn't a brain tumor but it was peices of his absorbed twin.
The main character, Thad Beaumont, is a professional writer. His Pen name is George Stark. He "buries" George stark so that he does not have to continue writing under this pen name. But what he does not know is that George Stark has come to life and is trying to stay alive by getting Thad to teach him to write. Thad does not want to help Gearge write because he does not want George stark to live. Thad does not want George to live because in the time taht he has lived he has killed a number of people allready, so who really wants to let that live?
Thad decides to pretend to help George write for the sake of his wife and childeren, which are twins. Thads plan is to teach Geaorge to write on his own so that George will be concetrated on his writing while Thad Uses the sparrows to haul George Stark back to the land of the dead. He does this by using a Bird call given to him by a fellow teacher at the university in Ludlow. The sparrow rip bits and peices off of George until he is light enough for them to carry back to the land of the dead. Thus, Thad saves his family along with the sheriff.
The title is significant Because it shows that Every one has a "dark half" even if they don't know it. Also it is significant because it tells the reader right away that it wil be about something dark or bad.
If I met Stephen King, I would ask him what goes through his mind as he writes these gruesome books. I would also ask him where he gets his ideas for these books. and the third question i would ask him is "can i have you autograph" jk. But seriouslly the third question i would ask him is if he would come and do a book signing at CHS.
1 comment:
Don't forget to edit....prologues don't talk, author's do.
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