Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grist- Alex Rader

I chose the book, Grist, because I like the fact that the book is based on a girl who loves to write and has a really bad sarcasm problem. Also, the book takes place at Charlie's Grandma's house near a lake.
Grist is the one word, through out the book, that Charlie is constantly trying to find. The last day of school, Charlie is called in to her creative writing class by her strict teacher, Mr. Pollen. Mr. Pollen tells Charlie that her last creative writing assignment, The Chocolate Moose Man, had o Grist, horror or excitement. Charlie than packs her things to leave her Dad and Step mom to go to Lake Ringrose for the summer, ad for a change. Lake Ringrose is where Charlie's Grams lives and where Charlie's mother lived before she died. Upon her arrival, Charlie has met a cute guy who works at Jenny's Restaurant in the middle of town. Every time she is seen with Kerry, Charlie finds herself falling deeper and deeper into a whirlwind of mystery and...Grist.
Grist, I think, is a good title for the book since that is all Charlie is ever thinking about. Grist is what Charlie needs in order to get a productive writing assignment and the change she wants.
1) Why did you choose Grist as the title of your book?
2) Where did you get you storyline from?
3) Is any part of the book based on your's or someone else's life?

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Great explination of the title!

Be sure to carefully edit.
