Tuesday, November 11, 2008


~Judy Blume~

Book report by: Krysta Purviance

The genre of this book is Teen Fiction. I like this genre because thees books could be a true story and they represent what some teens could be going through as life goes on.

I chose to read this book because it was recommended to me by a friend. Once i started to read this book it was just addicting and i really liked it. I usually hate reading but i didn't while i read this book!

Summary: It all starts out with a girl named Katherine. Its senior year, Katherine and her best friend Erica, go to this party where they meet Michael and Artie. While the days started passing they found themselves hanging out with the boys more and more. Erica eventually has to try and help Artie figure out if he is homosexual or not. Meanwhile Katherine and Michael start to share a more intimate relationship with each other. The both agree they will love each other forever. As they got closer they got more sexual and they lose their virginity to reach other. After graduation they find out that they both have to go away for the summer. They agreed to send letters which they did. at the end of the summer Katherine's grandfather dies from a stroke and Michael leaves home early and goes to the camp Katherine was at. Yet did Michale know that there was another boy. They both thought they were going to last forever but they didn't last at all.

The significance of the title Forever is that Katherine and Michael wanted to be together forever and thought they would be but that word sort of pulled them apart.

If i could ask the author three questions they would be:
1) Why make such an intimate book?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because this is an intimate book and i get that but i don't really get why it had to be so intimate.

2) Why did her grandpa have to die?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because it is always sad when someone dies so why couldn't the author have no one die, instead of the pore grandpa.

3) Why have a title of forever and not something else?
I would ask this question to Judy Blume because the title plays a big part in this book but i could see several other titles as the books title so i don't know why exactly it is Forever and not something else.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Remember conventions...you still need to capitalize I, use commas, underline book titles....
