Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Harry Potter: J-K Rowling:Fiction Malik

The reason i chose this book is because of how interesting the book sounds and all the action and thrilling the book contains. What made me interested in the book was the story behind the book. The story sound's very tense and would have you on the edge of your seat. This book is mostly about wich craft and wizerdrie. The book takes place at a magical school called hogworts. This school is for young and old wizards. Hogwarts is a very old school with lots and lots of old artifacts, and interesting storys about this fasinating school. Tons of kids come to this school from all around the world trying to learn to become a very wise wizard and master everything that there is to be . Kids like Harry, Ronald, and Hermine are all students at Howgwarts school waiting to be tought all the skills needed to become a wise and powerful wizard. These three kids have no idea who the others are. But they meet on the train heading to Hogwarts school and they become great friends on the train. Harry Potter is a very very very popular student at Hogwats. Harry is very popular at this school because of the scar he has on his forhead. This scar was given to him by a very very bad and powerful wizard. His name we do not speek of =O. Harry is the only person to ever not die by this very bad and dangerous wizard. Then harry and his two new friends get used to the school you know the the ocasional dinners in the dineing hall. But then these three kids find this stone. This stone changes the whole moral of the story. This stone grants the power to do anything you want like ultimate power over anyone. And the wizard of who we do not speek of wants the stone. So long story short harry and his friends save the day and have this huge fight with him and they save the wizard world from getting DESTROID for ever.

1 comment:

CHS Independent Reading said...

Malik- Be sure to edit. It's hard to read writing that has many, many mistakes.

Be sure to follow directions too, you need to not only give a summary of the book but also explain the significance of the title and ask the author three questions.
