Small Steps by Louis Sachar is a fictional story, that first caught my attention mainly because i read the first book "Holes" and that made me want to read more of this authors books because i like how it's written, how the average person could connect to the story told. Small Steps is the story of Armpit from camp green lake and how he was working for a better life after the camp was closed due to bad people in bad places. his work was going very well, until X-ray, one of Armpit's friends from camp green lake, well X-ray had this idea of buying tickets for a concert that he was 100% sure would sell for a nice price raising Armpits already hard earned cash by a couple hundred. Armpit of course had a hard time saying no to X-ray so the ticket selling began and it was slow but it started working almost right before the concert, and at last minute Armpit decided that he wanted a couple of tickets to take this little girl, that befriended him. This is where his problems begin once he got to the concert with the little girl two people claimed that he was sitting in their seats so one thing happened after another he was tackled and he little friends went into shock from the commotion, after their mishap they ended up in the care of the singer who was preforming that night they got nice shirts and watched the concert from backstage, and afterwords they ate ice cream together with the singer...
After sometime Armpit was called by the police because they wanted to find the person who gave him the fake tickets(he knew but he wasn't gonna rate his friend out), he was also called by the singer who gained a crush on Armpit and he loved that feeling and felt the same way. he mat her before she left his state, and after sometime he left on vacation to see her and in this proses he ended up needing to get a letter from the singer so it could be sold by an angry man who sold tickets for a living(like how X-ray and Armpit tried, but without the fake tickets), so Armpit planed on telling her the problem he had and hoped she'd right a fake letter to keep the pissed man at bay(and from telling the police)she didn't take it well she freaked and went to her hotel room to chill and waiting there was her step-father/Manager and he tried to kill her but her body guard slowed him down, but sadly the body guard was stabbed, but Armpit came in just the nic of time to save the day and he love but she was already knocked out so she never knew he saved her and he just ended up never seeing her again going to his normal life of trying small steps toward a better life.
and if i could ask the author anything it would be what happened next?, are you going to write the lives of the other boys from camp green lake, and finally what drove u to write these stories?
1 comment:
Tim- You need to be sure to edit- don't forget about punctuation, capitalization, ect..
What is the significance of the title?
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